RE: Sometimes It's Pie, Sometimes Cake and Sometimes Cheese, Food and Homeschooling Blog, New Digital Art and Photography

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That's a great project to partake in, and I love his summary at the end. There is a lot of learning that has gone into that one project. Seriously, project based learning is ideal.

School started for us yesterday, here, too, and we celebrated with a night out for chicken fingers. The boy did not have a happy year last year, and I'm really hoping this year will be better.

Growing up in AB I had no need to calculate sales tax until the GST. It left my late night/early morning college runs to Denny's confusing. I ended up in a State that also has no sales tax, and I still get confused when I'm out of state. Oy. Pampered, I am.


It would probably help if we only sales tax in multiples of 5. But these days AI does most of the figuring. Yes, I we love our PBL.
