Sometimes It's Pie, Sometimes Cake and Sometimes Cheese, Food and Homeschooling Blog, New Digital Art and Photography

Sometimes It's Pie, Sometimes Cake and Sometimes Cheese

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Summer is winding down for us in Canada. There are only a handful of truly warm days left. The forecast next week is considerably cooler than it has been and with the obligatory ... or at least it seems obligatory ... first week of September rains. We have a dear friend who celebrates his birthday the last week of August, and we threw a small celebration in his honour.


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I do my best to eat low carb and mostly animal based (carnivore). I have created a handful of carnivore 'baked' goods, but I was looking for something a little less labour intense.

The birthday boy is a huge space enthusiast and in honour of the Chandrayaan mission landing on the moon, we went savory, with a round of my favorite cheese, appropriately named Le Pleine Lune from Du Village (1860).

Garnish the plate with some dark berries and crumbled old cheddar, stick a candle in it, and voila you have a birthday 'cheese cake'.

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The new school is just getting started, and Minime and I are back to a set curriculum and schedule.

Over the last couple days we have been working on a percentage project that had us virtual shopping. Given a 1000 dollar budget, we set out to put a huge dent in our material things wishlist. Minime settled on a VR gaming system, a telescope, some fancy kicks, Wimpy Kid books, some purple hair dye, a real fire shooting Harry Potter wand, A Great Pumpkin board game, and a couple Halloween costumes, for both him and the cat.

The next task was to figure the sales tax, the full price, and a running total.

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Each of your purchases is sorted into a category of spending and then the student must determine how much money was spent in each category. Minime had expenditures in miscellaneous, video games, games/toys, books, clothing, and shoes.

From there the student will determine the percentage of money spend in each category.

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Now comes the colorful part. Using a ratio calculation, the student will determine how many degrees those percentages will account for in a pie chart. Get out your geometry set and draw a circle. Determine the center of the circle and with a protractor measure out each slice of the pie.

Color and label.

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The project closes up with some reflection and extension questions. The following are Minime's responses.

I am happy with my choice of purchases. They have all been on my wishlist for a long time. It would have been nice to get a cell phone, but my Mom says I can have her old one when she gets a new one.

Tax means the item will always cost a little more than the price tag says, and you need a way to quickly calculate sales tax. In BC, we pay a 7% provincial sales tax and a 5% federal sales tax. Combined that is 12%. So we pay a little more than 10% tax. You can find 10% of any number by removing the one digit. If you are making a big purchase in BC, you will pay 12 dollars tax for every 100 dollars you spend, 120 dollars for every thousand.

You could display your data in a chart, bar graph, scatter plot, and a leaf and stem plot.

I enjoyed this project because it was good practice for future life decisions, like budgeting and spending money wisely. It was also fun to pretend spend money on my wishlist.

There was no hardest part. We worked in the Canadian Curriculum books this summer and had already practiced percentages, ratios, and creating pie charts. The material was review.

This project helps teach percentages, ratios, and pie charts. It also helped me understand sales tax and budgeting.

Yes, I am satisfied with my final project. It looks professional and is well organized. My pie chart is colourful and the numbers worked out well. Although I can struggle with numeracy, I am good with ratios, percents, and using a calculator. My fine motor skills are still developing, but my Mom scaffolded the pie chart for me and together we were able to produce a product that looked good and was easy to understand. I would have used the numbers application to produce the pie chart. It could be easier and look more professional, but you couldn’t practice ratios and circle geometry.

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Now I have just one question, how does the purple hair dye fit in? Those sales tax rates are complicated, but when government gets involved they can't make anything simple in my experience....


Haha ... the sales taxes were works of fiction to add variety. Minime has a desire to die his hair purple like a friend of ours.



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how are you dear friend @prydefoltz good morning
I loved your photographs, the cheesecake looks exquisite, the birthday boy will surely enjoy it a lot
I loved your shopping breakdown and all your graphics. Here in Argentina the sales prices already include taxes, and let me say that they are much higher than there, here the vegetable and meat products have a tax of 10.5% and the rest of the products the tax is 21%
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid day


Thank you. The tax rates were works of fiction. We pay 12 percent of most thing but not food and essentials. I tend to agree with sales taxes over income taxes but food should not be taxed.


Your today's photography is just awesome and peotry is always amazing. Thanks for sharing.


That's a great project to partake in, and I love his summary at the end. There is a lot of learning that has gone into that one project. Seriously, project based learning is ideal.

School started for us yesterday, here, too, and we celebrated with a night out for chicken fingers. The boy did not have a happy year last year, and I'm really hoping this year will be better.

Growing up in AB I had no need to calculate sales tax until the GST. It left my late night/early morning college runs to Denny's confusing. I ended up in a State that also has no sales tax, and I still get confused when I'm out of state. Oy. Pampered, I am.


It would probably help if we only sales tax in multiples of 5. But these days AI does most of the figuring. Yes, I we love our PBL.
