人生中不可或缺的宵夜 / An essential part of life: late-night snacks





最後挑了一分盒裝滷味,之前便利超商都會幫客人用微波爐來加熱食品,現在這家便利超商開放微波爐,要客人自行微波,還好餐點上都有註明需要微波的時間,只要放進微波爐,並設定微波時間,倒也是不麻煩,裡頭有花椰菜、高麗菜、米血、甜不辣、木耳,凍豆腐及一些肉片,份量不多,湯頭有點藥膳味, 還帶點小小麻辣,麵條很像是王子麵,不過,吸飽湯汁後的麵條,還蠻好吃的,而且帶給我飽足感,吃完之後,回家上床立刻進入夢鄉,總算可以有個好眠。

I've had nights like that before, where no matter how much I toss and turn, sleep just won't come. And when the stomach starts growling like a wild animal, you know you're in for a long one. Like you, I usually don't snack much after dinner, maybe just some chips or cookies if the mood strikes. But a few nights ago, even though I had a decent dinner, my stomach decided it wanted a midnight snack.

I tried to ignore it, but it got louder and louder, like it was demanding attention. So, I made the decision to get up and find something to eat. It was around 2 a.m., which is not the most convenient time to go out searching for food. Most places were closed, and even the night markets had packed up for the night.

Luckily, there were a couple of 24-hour convenience stores nearby, so I decided to give them a shot. The soft glow of the store lights was welcoming, and the shelves were stocked with all sorts of goodies. I opted for some microwavable braised dishes, as they seemed like the quickest and easiest option. Thankfully, the instructions were clear, and after a quick zap in the microwave, I had a steaming hot meal ready to go.

It wasn't anything fancy, just some veggies, tofu, and meat slices in a herbal broth, with noodles that soaked up all the flavor. But let me tell you, it hit the spot. After finishing up, I headed back home and crawled into bed, finally feeling satisfied and ready for some shut-eye. It might not have been the most glamorous late-night snack, but it did the trick, and I drifted off into a deep and peaceful sleep.

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