RE: Istanbul, secretly run by cats?

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That is very beautiful, dear : the feeding station is a brilliant idea - I'm imagining that the public is invited to just tip some biscuits into the tray, but it keeps them all cleaner, rather than wee tubs around the place. It is very good to know that there are cities like this who comprehend the value of cats.

Yes, guardians of the underworld, as @nineclaws was saying, and cleaners of towns from vermin. Plus their karmic radiance, the amazing vibes of watching a cat stretching, relaxing, sleeping in a funny place in the middle of the street - this is like getting a warm hug, just seeing a cat do what it does naturally.

I always stop to greet cats, and to have a wee chat with them (and dogs, of course): I love living in a town where everyone knows the names of all the animals, and they all love all of us; they are so happy to get a wee stroke or a pat or a tummy rub, and go about their business. Here where I live, they do have some darker elements in regards to animals, which is very rooted in their disrespect for the feminine and for Nature and soil, but we are balancing it out with all our love for the animals, and their reciprocation 🤗


There is plenty of different feeding stations (now I am thinking I could have took some photos) some are little wooden hut built for the cats, or just a lot of plastic containers. They even have feeding stations where you put some coins and it drops cat/dog food into a bowl at the bottom...

this is like getting a warm hug, just seeing a cat do what it does naturally.

It is, there is such a joy in watching them just being themselves!:)

I imagine, that's a wonderful way if there is animals around without necessarily being "the animal of someone". It makes it feel like just one big garden every one on two or four legs is sharing with each other...😊
