RE: What Thoughts Dye Your Soul?

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This is you responding to the reaction of your inner being and the best way to fight that is to act like all is nice and just smile foolishly. Trust me it works for me like that, I am not the one intentionally choosing who to like someone and hate them.

My inner being does that, it chases them away by bringing forth that attitude and before you could contain it, it will display itself. So what I do is smile silly and foolishly and boom I conquered it but immediately I leave that presence, I will rebuke it.

This way it can help you accommodate people around you. Meanwhile, there's a reason why you don't like that person maybe simply because their aura is negative and would badly influence you.

Just be you but adjust when it's necessary because it is essential for your growth.
#dreemport #dreemerforlife


act like all is nice and just smile foolishly.

This is something I can't do. Not that I cannot but would rather not. We are different for a reason and I appreciate your words. I really do. But I have this crazy annoying conscience that bully me if I act like that.

"Meanwhile, there's a reason why you don't like that person maybe simply because their aura is negative and would badly influence you.."

Now, we have gotten somewhere. My attitude toward people in this manner have saved me lots of bullshit. The thing is if I act like that to someone,it is because my spirit don't align with the person and when my spirit don't... It means the person is bad news to me and edging on toward being all smile with the person will end up biting me hard.

I am growing. Yes, I do agree I am not much of a people person though I still like people but I'd rather work with my way and do things best beknownest to me.

I do appreciate your time here and glad you read through. You are awesomely made @cescajove


This is something I can't do. Not that I cannot but would rather not. We are different for a reason and I appreciate your words. I really do. But I have this crazy annoying conscience that bully me if I act like that.

This is me telling you ways I use to keep those folks away. It might not work for you at all cause like you said we are all different. Sometimes, I just figure a pattern that would help me keep them at bay. My privacy is my solace, so anyone interrupting that space isn't healthy for me.

Simply an expression of thoughts lol


Well, I never disregarded your opinion. I just aired my opinion on it.

I am glad your privacy is your solace as so is mine .



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