RE: If only pets could talk

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These small but great experiences are what convince me even more that dogs are man's best friend. In general all pets have their special angel. In these days a Rooster arrived at my house, he came from the neighbor's house running away from another rooster. I couldn't help getting used to his evening and morning crowing in a short time. The neighbor, a good friend, kindly gave us the animal, but after several days the rooster decided to fly to other neighbors' yards. He was lost from the house for a short time, however, I could not help but be saddened. We have now found a mate for him, the love of the hen that accompanies him has kept him hooked at home.

In spite of all this, I consider that the relationship that arises between a dog and his master or protector surpasses by far those that can be achieved with other types of pets.

Thank you so much dear @sofs-su for sharing your beautiful experience with your beloved Spark. Can you imagine if SparK could talk?


What a sweet story! Pets do have a way of occupying a huge space in our hearts. I love dogs and I have always had dogs but I've also had bunnies, guinea pigs, goats, squirrels, cats, birds etc as pets.
I love animals , mostly all except snakes , scorpions and the like.
Spark is a very kind soul and loves human company very much.
Thank you for taking the time to read, comment and express how you feel about dogs.
Have a wonderful day @bravofenix
