Make up artist


Like most girls, our dream is to be a model. Personally, from a young age, I constantly imagined myself on a catwalk, walking and wearing different clothes that they gave me.

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Unfortunately, due to my height, I was not able to realize my dream, but a special opportunity presented itself to me, which is perhaps even better than my dream. I applied to be a make-up model not only with the most famous make-up artist in my town but also around the world. It's Kika. I don't know if you have heard of her, but she is a very talented woman, who also does body art. I was very happy when I received an invitation from her to come to her studio to assess whether I was a good candidate for a model. When I came to her studio, I was blown away by how beautiful and professional everything was. Since I don't know much about make-up, this was all new and exciting to me.

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I was so excited, like when you give a small child a lollipop. I sat down on the chair and Kika started casting magic with her magical hands. I was amazed at how elegantly and meticulously she did it all. At the end of the make-up, when I looked in the mirror, I didn't look like myself, the make-up was fantastic! I have never done professional make-up before, so I was a bit strange to myself, but beautiful. To this day, Kika calls me to be her model and I am very happy about that.


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I hope you enjoyed this post. I enjoyed making it and sharing it with you fulfills me in a way. Greetings until the next post. I wish you a lot of love and happiness, Sara.


Very nice make-up

Muy lindo su maquillaje💄


Yeah, I agree with you ☺️


What a shame that you could not realize your dream of becoming a model but it seems this thing is fitting you nicely because you are gorgeous!

I hope you will have lots of fun as a make-up model!

