Photography=raspberry flower

Hello friends, #photographylovers how are you all? Today I am back to observing nature and hunting for beautiful flowers that grow naturally on the edge of the rice fields without any special maintenance, but they can thrive and be beautiful.

to improve image quality, I have to wait for the right time to shoot like during the day or in the evening, and now the time is right, which is around 09:00 in the morning, I'm already at the hunting location.

I found a rembusa plant that grows naturally on the edge of the residents' rice fields, and I observed it in detail, this plant has beautiful and unique flowers that have fibers, and sweet fruit, let me show you with photos





I really like the color of this flower, white mixed with pink in the middle and has fibers that form like needles, I found it when it was in bloom.

And I also found the fruit of this rembusa plant, the fruit is very unique as it forms a fibrous fortification to protect the fruit from ant predators.





It's a pity, I can't find the ripe fruit for me to show you all, the fruit will turn yellow when it's ripe and the taste will be very sweet.

I often eat it when I'm in nature, and the fruit contains a lot of water and vitamin C, the texture of the contents of the fruit is like passion fruit, and I promise you I'll show it when it's ripe, and I'll keep asking for it here.

From google search results, another name for this plant is passiflora foetida
The name of a small fruit that is covered by its petals when ripe, and this fruit has high anti-oxidants and vitamin C, from the results of my research.
Shooting location

Thank you for your support, it means a lot to me, have a nice day
Warm greetings from me @yuliadi
