RE: My journey with Ketamine has concluded

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You have indeed... been on quite a journey, haven't you? I am glad that you were able to find other dear souls, as well as support from your wife, on this journey you've taken. I loved this message, as well as all the music you have provided (many saved to my history for later listening... because music IS the Universal Language). But what stayed with me... spoke to me... and resonated most. What were your final words...

"I realize that I am a spiritual being here on earth having a human experience. We are all connected to each other and to everything. Life is a gift and we must use our time here on earth to spread love. Everything we go through has a lesson attached to it and once we realize that our trials in life are just lessons to bring us closer to our potential, we learn to influence our path and manifest what we need. I am excited to see where my journey takes me from here."

Thank you, brother. For taking us along with you on this journey... Love and Light...


@tipu curate


Thank you for taking the time to read my post and appreciate it. It's been a long journey to get where I am mentally and I didn't think it would ever happen. It is nice feeling like I actually deserve to be happy. And yes, music is amazing and I have an entirely new appreciation for the artists that create music for these types of journeys. Music makes a huge difference in ketamine therapy and mushroom trips.
