Participating in the metrosalud novena./ ESP-ENG
Hola amigo, sean bienvenidos a mi blog, les cuento que fuimos convocados a una novena que se efectuaría en metrosalud, centro médico donde lleve el control de mi embarazo acá en Colombia.
Me pidieron que llevara algo que hiciera el ruido ,tipo maracas, así que fuimos pues pensé que sería bastante agradable para mi bebé, al llegar vimos que tenían un nacimiento bastante lindo y estaba el párroco de la zona.
La verdad es la primera vez que participo en alguno de estos eventos, me pareció bastante curioso, al terminar dieron un refrigerio a los pequeños, y el padre dio unas palabras.
Fue muy agradable pues intentaron integrar al personal de salud, pacientes, y los pequeños que fueron atendidos en este centro médico, me agradó mucho participar.
Hello friend, welcome to my blog. I'm telling you that we were invited to a novena that would take place at Metrosalud, the medical center where I monitored my pregnancy here in Colombia.
They asked me to bring something that made noise, like maracas, so we went because I thought it would be quite nice for my baby. When we arrived we saw that they had a very nice nativity scene and it was The parish priest of the zo.
The truth is that this is the first time I have participated in one of these events, and I found it quite curious. At the end, they gave the children a snack and the father gave a few words.
The truth is that this is the first time I have participated in one of these events, and I found it quite curious. At the end, they gave the children a snack and the father gave a few words.
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