Launch Outing With My Clique | First MeetUp This Year



Like they use to say, there is nothing fun going out alone without your cliques because you get to talk a lot about things that has happened around you, share ideas, investment plan and to top it all, have fun. I do wonder how we weren't really a clique back in university days but we do hi each other and talk only when we have discussion but after school, we came close and decided to form a clique of 5 and we always went on advertures together anytime we had free time because two out of the 5 are office workers while the remaining are freelancers. This year have been somehow and based on one or two we weren't able to meet up.

Last year was fun and we were able to visit different places together but it wasn't the case this year, anytime we plan to meet up, one or two will be busy or not available, even today, one of us wasn't available too. Even though their plan was to visit a restuarant far from my side (Mega Chicken), I decided to change everyone plan and visit the new Heritage center that was built around my area, I went there on sunday just to see how the place is and decided to visit the restuarent section today with them, we really had a nice time while everyone decided to pick the food of their choice, I and the lady went for basmatti rice with chicken, others went for ofada and jollof rice

Then we talked about how works have been so far, some few investment I made and also we chitchat about the nigeria economy situation and how things skyrocket and also learn few things about their surviving plans.

For the best experience view this post on Liketu
