In the spirit of love


Hiya everyone!!!!

Yeah I know its been a quick minute I wrote on here…… Honestly consistency is actually a lot harder when it comes to actually putting in the effort πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

Anyways as I usually do I’m going to drop a few pictures of things I loved in the past few weeks and a bit of myself

My boyfriend decided to take me out for the season so i had so much fun dressing up
Honestly was a welcome change of atmosphere from work work work

I so do hope you enjoy

This first one is a shot of my outfit for out dinner 😍πŸ₯°

Okay here’s another cos this dress is just giving

These next ones are pictures of one of the buildings in my office
I do love how well preserved the building is as I’m sure you can tell its quite old πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

And some of me during the week πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

So how has February been for you?
Hope youve had as much fun and excitement as I have as well

