😎Today's PIMP Shit - Photo Dump Friday

Authored by @enginewitty


Welcome to 'Today's PIMP Shit'. This is Photo Dump Friday where we shoot to better help support the PIMPs out there by featuring their #pimp posts that are centered around photography in some way. No pic, it didn't happen. This will also assist in building this account, which in turn, is better for all the badass fukn' PIMPs steady sporting those diamond hands. The HP earned, will obviously be used to smash on our delegators' posts and the HBD earned, will be split - swapping some of it for liquid HIVE for disbursement and the rest of the HBD will get dropped into savings. We hope you enjoy our selections and show them some extra love too.

Cuz today is Friday.

Thank something you made it this far.

Now, get your asses out there and feast your fuckin' eyes!

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I remember when I was little, before school started, we lived near some railroad tracks that shuttled out of a few potato farms. Seeing some of the pictures in here takes me wayyyy back. And I love mashed potatoes. 400 pounds though @flemingfarm? Good golly, your PIMP hand gotta be strong!
Oh my gosh @alina97! I love this! I am really looking forward to see what comes out of the tips of those new pencils. My girls love drawing and sketching, just had to get them new sketchbooks in fact, and this passion for art is what I hope the little princesses retain throughout their life. Thanks for sharing doll, #staypimpin'!
The shores of any beach that looked even half that good would be fine with me. I really like the photograph of your shadow @marnaza! Maybe you should try your hand at a more professional direction with the lens? Was a very unique shot amongst all the other ones. Thanks for sharing your outing and all the photos!

Now go get upside the heads of those slick hustlaz! They earned that shit. Fair and square. What, are you triggered? Do you feel entitled? Sucks for you. Maybe you should get on some of this #pimpshit like these wise communities here:

brolgncine.pngTHGAMING360.pngteamph (1).pngThe Alliance 360.png
lolz.pngwoo (1).pngcryptoshots.pngpsyberx witness rep360.png
The FUNhouseWOOCryptoShotsPsyberX
bsk.pngtrustexchange.pngblockchain poets.pngsurgent gaming.png
Blind SkeletonTrust ExchangeThe PoetsSurgent Gaming

If we have a partnership with you in some form or fashion, notify @enginewitty via DM on Discord or tag him in the The PIMP District so we can rep you proper down here. Thank you and you're welcome. In the meantime, #staypimpin!


