RE: For a Simpler Life, don't have Expectations...


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Hello Dear @anttn
Meditation is a great technique or rather a set of techniques which helps us achieve so many different things depending upon what we are looking for from being in the present, more focused or look at our problems and life more objectively or anything else it is like a magic master key that opens so many doors of opportunities.
Another thing that your post reinforces for me is how people who are dear to us continue to live with us in so many ways be it our memories, our DNA or our thought process.
The physical limitation of life cannot separate us or cannot stop us from reconnecting with them or staying connected.
Yes your positive energy would keep inspiring people who visit the roof top.
However even from this distance I do feel the positive vibes.
Take care dear @anttn and have a wonderful Sunday


You've said it all, I often see meditation as the free thing in essence - as it is intimately linked to breathing. That's why I like to do it without any expectations, because here in the West people meditate for something, but deep down I believe that you can meditate without a goal and have positive effects without doing it "for something"...

Have a good starting week 😇🙏
