The Sad Expedition To A Glacier - RDR 2!

Hello there,

We finish the trail to the northern part of the map but wait there is a little more space that I can try to reach, if not on horse then on foot. Although, when I met the hermit in the forest, I reached the foothills of snowy mountains. From here I expect that the glaciers won't be far away.

Let's try to reach the glacier and find the story hidden there.

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It was night and at the point where I was standing on the map, had no way to cross those huge mountains in front of me.

I started finding a way to get down from the mountains and reach the roads.

The fog was very dense and it was difficult to make my way through it without risking me and my horse in this dark.

When in the mountains, the best way to get down from it is to find a river stream and follow it to get down from the mountain.

It was cold as I could see one "cold" indicator flashing a red icon, stating that I should wear winter clothes or get to the fire.

After getting down from the mountain, moving to the snowy region was easy.

I set up the camp to warm myself up and rest my horse. I took a short sleep till the morning.

I woke up and I could see that it was not the sun rising, it might be resembling the polar points of the real world, where the sun or moon stays for a long part of the day.

It was clear and I could see distant objects.

I walked ahead and I was not expecting this. I found the house similar to what I saw somewhere before as well.

I found it. It is the same place as you see in the prologue. The first settlement where Arthur and its people stay during a snowstorm. Remember?

It was nostalgic to see these houses again. I went inside to check them. During the prologue, not many of these houses were unlocked to enter.

The place where our camp cook prepares the meal. We had a hunting mission here.

The stable where we kept the horses.

The place where Dutch was sitting and making the plan to get out of this snowy place.

It was my room i.e. Arthur's room. It still had a few cigarette boxes left by Arthur.

I moved to the interior of the mountains. It was not easy as there was no road to travel easily.

I had to cross this snowstorm to get close to the mountains. It was depleting my health. I had to drink medicine to pass it.

I hiked to a great height. When I saw back I was surrounded by the mountains.

I found the lake in between the mountains. I get on foot to walk on it. It was slippery.

This is the point from where all the river in RDR 2 originates. No, I don't want to dare to jump in it. It was flashing red and I was losing my energy quickly.

I tried to hike the mountain but it was too steep and the map was not allowing me to pass it.

This is the part of the glacier. I was not able to see behind it. I could hear the strange loud noise of glaciers falling at intervals.

I started roaming around the glacier and got trapped in the snowstorm again. After a while, I heard a voice.

This dude needed some help. At first, I thought he was a looter but he was genuinely asking me to find his friend who also got lost in this snowstorm while collecting wood for the fire.

I started checking around their camp.

Soon I found his friend, I went on the foot to wake him up.

But he was dead already. I turned him up and he froze to the death. I had to get back to his friend.

I told the person that I found his friend in the north. But did not disclose that he was dead.

I helped the person to get to his dead friend. He was sad and crying loudly.

Soon a polar bear came out of nowhere and attacked the person.

It spooked my horse, I controlled the horse and myself. I did not want to fall from the horse at this point where a bear was raging.

I took my double-barrel shotgun and shot multiple rounds on the bear but it was too big to fall.

By the time I shot down the bear, he killed the person too. I was standing between the two dead friends. Seeing such a tragic ending to their life and friendship was sad.

This was the camp where they were living. They came for the camping only.

It was a sad ending to my expedition to the glacier. If I had chosen not to visit this part of the map, I would have never come to know this story.


  • All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
  • Screenshots are from the game, Red Dead Redemption 2



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I read to the end and managed to understand the seriousness and tragic nature of the story, apart from the fact that you fought for your life in the glaciers, you also wanted to help those men, however, everything had a more dramatic outcome. Thanks to you for sharing, it was difficult for me not to feel sadness at the end reading and appreciating the photographs.


Yes it was sad to see them. A tragic ending. Not many times I cover story of NPC but this one was different. Thank you


Too bad the person died. Make me wonder if there is a different story line if you manage to save the person.


I am unsure about the different story line. But I had the rare double barrel shotgun and using aim assist - dead eye. I shot 10-12 rounds at sensitive part of bear.


Ahh I see.. The person might be coded to die in that bear's hand..


So you tried camping in the snow and that too in the night? You're lucky that your character didn't die or froze. Its sad to see that you had to find a dead body for his friend and its even worse that you couldn't save the other one from the polar bear. Great screenshots captured.


Yes I was lucky this time. I managed to touch the glacier without freezing. Thank you.


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