working myself out, June 10th

The mint went off without a hitch today, and I'm just sitting around lethargic.

I'm really having trouble staying consistent with getting activity in regularly. I can feel myself getting sluggish in ways I haven't before and it's affecting things. I want to have the energy and strength to maintain living well, but I'm not being as diligent lately.

Not being hard on myself, just admitting I have room for improvement.

In other aspects, I am alright, happy I'm learning in real time how to manage media strategy and accounts with content.

It just seems, my journey's just getting started. I want to use code and GAN's now to learn from my photography. I think the vision there is that I could create portraits based on my style for the more zany things I couldn't think of before.

Maybe, even reimagine images with people. In any event, I want to share photography without the exploitation of my subjects, especially since I can't be bothered to go through signing liability waivers with them. If I ever got popular, how could I sell pictures of people without their agreement?

I'm small time now, but these kinds of considerations are what matter for scaling. Obviously, if I do some kind of partnership, I'll split benefits, but for the sake of what I've shot before, the gratuity in not asking for pay, and the work I've done to build my own brand and followership over time? I'm glad I sold out. It gives me reassurance I'm not doing things wrong, at least.

