Under the Mantle of Mother Nature: Monochrome Images


On the vast canvas of the universe, she is the artist,
Mother Nature, weaver of dreams and realities,
embroidering with threads of light and shadow
the fabrics of existence in her infinite palette.


In the garden of her sighs, the plants in black and white
They are like notes in a forgotten sheet music,
melodies of the earth, whispers of time,
silent witnesses of the eternal dance of life.


Each leaf, each stem, bears the imprint of her love,
a testimony engraved on the skin of the earth,
stories of growth and transformation,
cycles of rebirth woven into every fiber.


In the deep black and the radiant white,
the very essence of existence is revealed,
the duality of light and shadow,
the harmony of unity in diversity.


The branches rise like hands towards the sky,
looking for the sun, looking for the truth hidden in the light,
Its roots sink into the depths of the earth,
a sacred link between the divine and the earthly.


In every wrinkle of the bark, in every mark of age,
The scars of a life well lived are found,
a story written in the universal language of nature,
an ancient poem whispered by the wind.


So let's look at these images in black and white
like windows to the soul of the earth,
an invitation to immerse ourselves in the serene beauty
and to find our own connection with the universe.


May each photograph be an echo of her eternal voice,
a reminder of our responsibility as guardians,
to preserve and protect this sacred legacy
that has been entrusted to us with love and trust.


The poetry is my Authorship written by me and the photos were taken by me. Thanks so much for reading.
