Dostoevsky Day in St. Petersburg



Do you love the works of Fyodor Dostoevsky? Have you read these books? Do you think that they do not lose their relevance? I've been meaning to reread some of Dostoevsky's novels for several years now, but I'm scared to take them up. I read these books in my youth, and I remember what a strong influence they had on me. Sometimes it was very hard to follow the author in his explorations of morality and the depths of the human soul. In recent years, I have often begun to choose light reading, reading for relaxation and entertainment. Fyodor Dostoevsky's books are quite different.


I thought about it during the traditional city holiday, which is called "Dostoevsky Day". This holiday is held in early July. The date is connected with the events that unfold in Crime and Punishment, the most famous of Dostoevsky's novels:

On an exceptionally hot evening early in July a young man came out of the garret in which he lodged in S. Place and walked slowly, as though in hesitation, towards K. bridge.



The events of the novel (like many of Dostoevsky's other books) unfold in St. Petersburg. The city is present on the pages of the novels sometimes as a stage on which the action unfolds, and sometimes as a full-fledged protagonist. The descriptions are geographically accurate. Many researchers of Dostoevsky's work counted Raskolnikov's steps, trying to repeat his route. The map of the city shows Raskolnikov's house, the house of Sonya Marmeladova, the house of the Old Pawnbroker.




Dostoevsky Day celebrations usually include excursions to Dostoevsky's places - to the addresses where the writer lived and to the addresses described in his novels. In addition, theatrical performances unfold at various venues. These can be full-fledged performances, as well as small stage sketches or readings of excerpts from Dostoevsky's novels.




This year I chose to visit the museum "Raznochintsy Petersburg". The museum prepared a program of an exhibition, a guided tour and a theatrical performance. The exhibition was set up in the courtyard of the museum. I specially came early, when visitors were just beginning to gather, to take photos. A small stage was set up in the center of the courtyard, and rows of chairs were placed in front of it. Every hour and a half, performances based on Dostoevsky's works began on this stage.




The rest of the courtyard space was taken up by installations and interactive zones. The most attention was attracted by mechanical puppets - a janitor, a organ-grinder, a baker, and a letter carrier. Along the walls there were old doors with the names of the heroes of Dostoevsky's novels. Doors here are not only information boards, but also important symbols. Opening or closing a door is about a moral choice.



SmartphoneGoogle Pixel 3a
LocationSaint Petersburg, Russia
