The Beautiful World of Death Stranding

✨Hello Again!✨


I believe that after finishing Death Stranding I have been permanently touched by the game, it always happens to me that I watch movies and due to their incredible story or specific details I end up crying, but the times it has happened with a video game are much more rare, which doesn't mean that I don't enjoy them, quite the opposite, I usually enjoy what I play a lot, but reaching the point of not being able to contain the tears is a distinctive trait of an excellent game, although I can also be very sentimental, so don't mind me.

Death Stranding Screenshot 2024.04.06 -

But let's get to the point, I really liked Death Stranding and its world is beautiful, this is a community of photographs so, I think you already know what comes next. The greatest charm of Death Stranding is its post-apocalyptic world and the incredible and almost sick level of detail that the main characters have in their expressions, obviously it never stops looking like a video game, but the models are so well done that occasionally you forget that you are playing something and you are actually watching a series.

Death Stranding Screenshot 2024.03.29 -

The world itself is strictly post-apocalyptic, a version of the United States that due to major reasons has lost much of its population as well as has become almost like a virgin land, since populations have had to move underground for the most part, the reasons I already explained in my game review so I won't dwell on this any longer.

Death Stranding Screenshot 2024.03.29 -

The photos you will see here are taken in different "biomes" of the game, the meadows at the beginning are mainly green, passing through the rocky areas in the middle of the map, and ending with the mountain, with snowy climates and arguably the most difficult area of the game.

Death Stranding Screenshot 2024.03.31 -

Just as I took these photos that I show you here, the game intends for you to do the same, it's not mandatory, but no matter the path you decide to take, you will always find something worth photographing, the photo mode is there for a reason and I think part of the game is to take advantage of it at least a couple of times, it not only works in gameplay but also in cutscenes, although in these you can't move the camera as you would in gameplay.

Death Stranding Screenshot 2024.03.28 -

But not all the charm is in the open spaces as I already mentioned, there are also things that deserve our attention inside the game, like Sam's private room, where we can even make faces in front of the mirror and take a photo with our delivery level attached, if we take a good photo even BB might give us some good likes.

Death Stranding Screenshot 2024.01.13 -

I hope you enjoy these photos, I have the pleasure of being able to play the game at its maximum graphic quality and I am thankful that it is equally well optimized, so the only way to make it look better would be to play at a higher resolution, thank you very much for reading and see you around, bye bye!

Screenshots were taken by me 📷
Translated with Hive Translator

separador v5.png


Good games with good stories make us empathize so much with the story, what happens and the characters that transmit us all the feelings, also sometimes we are more sensitive and that's why these things happen to us but I think it's mainly because we empathize with them.


Yes, that's a good part of the motive I think, it's a game with very good characters, thanks for your comment!


This video game has very amazing realistic graphics, the views that you have shared with us are very amazing, thanks for sharing.


I'm glad you liked it, thanks for your comment!


So you had to adjust the camera at the right angle before capturing the photo? You shared some good photographs..

@tipu curate 2


Yeah, it's the core function of photo mode, the rest depends on what you would like to show, thanks for your comment!
