A few random shots from my garden


Everyday clicks from the garden fill my phone storage space. It's hard for me to delete any of these pictures even if they are repetitive. Images may look the same but each taken from a different angle holds a different perspective. This image of the lotus leaf with droplets of water surrounded by azolla looked so amazing in the beautiful morning light. The light and the color of the water on the leaf gives this image a beauty of its own.

There was this bee making the most of this freshly bloomed okra flower. This bee seemed to be enjoying the best this day had to offer it. Covered by the pollen the bee stayed there forever until I decided to take pictures of it. Then it flew away, but not for long it was back to the same flower in a little while.

There are so many of these eggplant fruits in my garden at this moment. We've been cooking so many dishes with egg plant over the last three weeks and there are lots more left. Tasty as it is I've had enough of it. From now on I am distributing these to my neighbors until my stomach can take more of it.

The same bee once again on its return. This close shot kind of frightened this bee and he flew away again. I hope you can see the dusting of pollen on this bee.

I had complained about my waterlilies not blooming in a post sometime earlier. However, after rudely pulling out these waterlilies from the tank I did leave a few tubers behind . It's as if this was what these plants were waiting for now they are blooming like crazy. I've learned one more lesson about waterlilies now.

Another shot of the bee from a different angle. I just couldn't stop clicking away.

The ficus triangularis looking so beautiful and it also has tiny figs. This is my five year old bonsai. I just don't have the heart to prune it right now.

This is a bush of the Gomphrena Globosa or globe amaranth. I picked up a flower from a garland a cow was wearing around its neck and threw the seeds into a pot. A whole bunch of plants grew from it, I saved just two of the plants and this is one of those. I made the mistake of not pruning the plant when it was young and keeping it short and bushy, now it hangs around clumsily. Now that I have the seeds I can trim the plants and grow it to my liking.

Azolla on a lotus leaf. Azolla is a floating water plant, a fern to be exact. It is rich in proteins minerals and amino acids. It is great as fodder for livestock. I grow it to avoid mosquitoes breeding in my lily pond. these tiny plants multiply like crazy and can be a great source of nitrogen for plants. I usually dry them and add it to the top layer of my plants. Don't the plants look pretty?

This is one of my hoya's that bloomed recently. This one smells like chocolate and it is so wonderful to walk into my balcony each day.

A waterlily that flowers non stop. These also multiply profusely hence I have started to grow these in broken coffee mugs and they bloom there as well.

This is the common periwinkle, it grow in the wild. Somehow these like weeds appear in all my containers. Here it is drenched in the rain from the previous night.

Hope you like these shots from my garden. Have a beautiful day.


You have captured the allure of the garden well


I know what you mean about capturing different angles/perspectives. I’m the same way when it comes to snapping photos.

I think it’s great you’ve had such an abundance of eggplants that you can share with you neighbors.

Those water lilies are absolutely beautiful!! It’s amazing what we learn while gardening ~ 😊


Absolutely, I learn more from my garden about life than from life itself!!
Different 'Perspectives ' give us the fuller picture than what is captured from one angle at one moment.
Thank you @crosheille, I love my waterlilies but I have been giving them some tough love in the recent past, it somehow seems to be working well for me.
Thanks for swinging by and for your support.
Have a great day!


Yes, absolutely! I love the way you put the words of perspective.

You’re very welcome. Have a wonderful weekend ~


What a beautiful bee shot! I bet he's totally drunk on pollen. Had to laugh about you being sick of eggplant. It's like that after a season with any vegetable! What about eggplant pickle? I bet @sunscape has a preserving recipe for anything! I wonder about your recipes - @jhymi also shared about her eggplant too.

Oh, and don't forget our weekly #creativegarden challenge which gives you a writing prompt every Sunday! Love, @riverflows xx


You've been curated by @gardenhive on behalf of the HIVE GARDEN COMMUNITY! We support gardening, homesteading, cannabis growers, permaculture and other garden related content. Delegations to the curation account, @gardenhive, are welcome!


Glad you liked it. He is drunk indeed.
Yep its like too much of a good thing. The eggplant is really making me feel sick at the moment.
I do have a eggplant pickle recipe dunked in oil. We have a jar of it in the fridge.
Maybe I should share that recipe here.
Thanks @riverflows I seem to have forgotten about the #creativegarden challenge.
I'll check @jhymi and @sunscape
Have a wonderful day!
