Looking for street scenes | Monomad Challenge [ENG-ESP]


Street photography is something I've done very little, but you know, #Hive pushes us to explore every day and this type of images is a topic that I really enjoy seeing in the different communities that are in the blockchain, so I decided to be attentive in my outings and try to hunt situations, scenes that told me something to show them here.

La fotografía de calle es algo que he hecho muy poco, pero ya saben, #Hive nos impulsa a explorar cada día y este tipo de imágenes es un tema que disfruto mucho ver en las diferentes comunidades que hay en la blockchain, entonces me propuse estar atenta en mis salidas e intentar cazar situaciones, escenas que me contaran algo para mostrarlas aquí.


This man in the first photo is my uncle. When I saw him standing there talking on the phone, I immediately took mine out and photographed him, I don't know, I liked the composition. He didn't notice, and that's great because I didn't interrupt his action.

Este hombre que aparece en la primera foto, es mi tío. Cuando lo ví parado allí hablando por teléfono, enseguida saqué el mío y lo fotografié, no sé, me gustó la composición. Él no se dió cuenta, y eso es genial porque no interrumpí su acción.


This street of old houses caught my attention because when I looked up, it is full of cables, I noticed that while I was waiting my turn to buy at a bakery that is over there. Maybe many of those wires don't even work anymore, but I found them useful for the photo.

Esta calle de casas viejas me llamó la atención porque al mirar hacia arriba, está repleta de cables, me fijé en eso mientras esperaba mi turno para comprar en una panadería que queda por allí. Quizás muchos de esos cables ya ni funcionan, pero a mí me fueron útiles para la foto.


Another day, I went to buy fish, and while they were cleaning them for me, I looked out front and came across a peculiar and amusing situation. Two men had bought a bunch of goods and were trying to mount it on the bike, strapping it down as best they could, but the weight was so much that the front of the bike lifted 😂, then they got on and did the necessary counterbalancing to get the front wheel back to touch the ground.

Otro día, fui a comprar pescado, y mientras me los limpiaban, me puse a observar al frente y me topé con una situación peculiar y divertida. Dos hombres habían comprado un montón de mercancía y trataban de montarla en la moto, amarrándola como podían, pero el peso era tanto que la parte delantera de la moto se elevó 😂, luego ellos se montaron e hicieron el contrapeso necesario para que la rueda delantera volviera a tocar el piso.


And this abandoned Tweety? Well, he had been left in front of a house. He looked pretty vintage but seemed to be in good condition still, and with that pleading expression I don't think he lasted long on that sidewalk, he sure got a new home fast.

¿Y este Piolín abandonado? Pues lo habían dejado en el frente de una casa. Se veía bastante vintage pero parecía estar en buen estado aún, y con esa expresión suplicante no creo que haya durado mucho en esa acera, seguro consiguió rápido un nuevo hogar.


Elsewhere, this little friend was taking a nap in front of a butcher shop where my mom came in to buy something, while I was waiting for her outside, I greeted the dog, I was amused when he stopped and started to look at the signs with the prices. In that butcher's shop I have seen that they always give something to eat to the dogs that pass by, so I assumed that it was his turn to get his ration.

En otro lado, este amiguito dormía una siesta frente a una carnicería donde mi mamá entró a comprar algo, mientras la esperaba afuera, saludé al perro, me hizo gracia que él se paró y se puso a mirar los carteles con los precios. En esa carnicería he visto que siempre le dan algo de comer a los perros que pasan por allí, entonces supuse que ya le tocaba su ración.


In search of more everyday scenes, I came across a situation that is seen in several parts of Venezuela, which is the refilling of gas cylinders for domestic use, for cooking. People who don't have direct gas in their homes, must go every so often to refill. Due to the crisis that the country has been going through, this resource was scarce for a long time, but now the availability and distribution have improved, but there are still crowds.

En busca de más escenas cotidianas, me topé con una situación que se ve en varias partes de Venezuela, que es la recarga de las bombonas de gas para uso doméstico, para cocinar. La gente que no tiene gas directo en sus hogares, debe ir cada cierto tiempo a recargar. Debido a la crisis que ha atravesado el país, este recurso escaseó por mucho tiempo, pero ahora la disponibilidad y su distribución han mejorado, pero aún se ven aglomeraciones.


And finally, in front of the place where people were leaving their gas cylinders, there was a person from the municipal urban cleaning service doing his job. He had his face completely covered with a huge mask and even bigger sunglasses, a very striking appearance, and that's why I didn't want to miss him. I had my phone in my hand pretending to see something, but in reality I wanted to take a picture of him without him noticing, and I took it, but I don't know if he found out 😄.

Y para terminar, frente al lugar donde la gente dejaba sus bombonas de gas, estaba una persona del aseo urbano municipal haciendo su trabajo. Tenía la cara totalmente cubierta con una enorme mascarilla y unos lentes de sol más grandes todavía, una apariencia muy llamativa, y por eso no me lo quería perder. Yo tenía el teléfono en la mano simulando que veía algo, pero en realidad le quería tomar una foto sin que se diera cuenta, y se la tomé, pero no sé si se enteró 😄.

Well, I enjoyed this exercise, I think I will continue practicing street photography, sharpening my eyes to improve, I hope you liked these scenes, see you next time!

Bueno, disfruté este ejercicio, creo que seguiré practicando fotografía callejera, afinando la mirada para mejorar, espero les hayan gustado estas escenas. ¡Hasta la próxima!


All photos are my property / Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad


It was nice seeing a bit of everyday Venezuela through your lens! Most of that pictures could have been taken in Greece or maybe Greece a couple of decades back but the similarities are there!
I like your simple, direct approach on your subjects and the lack of colours added interest to the images. It looks like both you and your sister are going to become proper photographers after a few more time in hive :)



Yes, Greece has been modernizing at a fast pace it seems to me, here there is a lot of infrastructure and processes to renovate, especially in the province...

Wow, how great that you liked them! Coming from you, I'm very happy to read this 😃. I hope to continue exploring the world of street photography, I think it's fascinating.

Thaaank you @fotostef! 😊


Parecen fotos antiguas de antes pues, hermoso contenido como siempre.
