

So many choices, I shall remain,
A beacon of freedom, unburdened by strain.
For it is not my duty, nor my plea,
To convince another of what they should see.

Each soul, a vessel of dreams and desire,
Crafting a path, fueled by inner fire.
Decisions, like stars in the vast cosmic sky,
Are meant to be owned, not questioned, oh why?

I shall not sway, nor impose my will,
For the power to choose lies within, still.
With open arms, I embrace this truth,
That we're all architects of our own life's booth.

Decide, my friend, what you truly crave,
And venture forth, with courage, be brave.
Create the tapestry of your life's design,
And let others weave their own, intertwine.

In the symphony of existence, let us dance,
With respect for each unique circumstance.
For in diversity, we find strength and grace,
Allowing all hearts to find their own pace.

So, dear souls, let not judgment reside,
But let understanding and empathy preside.
For we're all travelers on this earthly plane,
Seeking happiness, through joys and pain.

It is not my responsibility, I proclaim,
To convince anyone, or play a futile game.
Instead, I encourage you, dear hearts, to see,
The power within, to set your spirits free.

Choose boldly, dear ones, follow your hearts,
And create a life where purpose imparts.
May we all journey, hands held in unity,
Embracing our differences, in perfect harmony.

A poem I created thru ai and the photo I took at an alpaca farm outside of Goderich Ontario Canada
