RE: Valletta streets in Malta are beautiful

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I was about to say, don't even ask me... and then you went and said all of that and you got me here laughing out loud for real. All of the above it is just surreal. Specially when I moved to the UK because it was a country that was more "evolved" and better than the majority in all of those things and more. Not it feels like it is going back to the medieval times and in the past few years have been taking so many steps backwards. I know the whole world it is a mess right now and in a crisis. But the stuff that have been happening in here, I was not expecting. Stuff that's happening here is stuff we would expect to see from countries like the USA (no shade).


Believe you me, most of us don’t like the way it’s going and with friends from all of those groups of people I mentioned, whom I consider to be highly evolved, intelligent, creative people and shouldn’t be treated the way they are. Then there are the immigrant folk, I’d welcome most of them here with open arms personally but worried some cuntservative (that’s not a misspelling) would make my life difficult for doing so. Democracy has died. There seems to be a mandate to encourage us all to hate each other and rather than spending money on making lives better, let’s spend countless more billions on weapons to blow everyone to high fuckery!

Yes we are becoming more American. We will be allowed guns next!


I am at an age that I am fed up with all this economical and financial systems we leave. I am seriously considering to move to a small country in Asia, small village, where everything is cheaper but I probably will be able to make some nice money online (considering their economies are so much weaker) and so I will be able to actually LIVE and also, because I will have extra money, I can make at least a difference in whatever smaller community I will be leaving.
