Plant Trees Now and Harvest the Fruits Later: Our Magically Peaceful Backyard

My Mama heard a news from our neighbor, saying that they saw a long snake crawling to the Bangkal Tree just a few steps away in our yard. They called it "Almuranin," but I am really not sure what kind of snake that is, the color is reddish according to them. Mom told me too that it was a venomous type of snake, that's what they said, and that really scared me. If it's headed in the direction of our house, then it's just a matter of time before it reaches our house, and that's not good. It is making me anxious, goodness.

After hearing that news, I stopped coming to the Atis Tree in our yard for one day because I was afraid that it would crawl in there without us noticing it, and what if while I was there, it bit me? Lol. I am overthinking. I know, haha, I can't help it. In fact, I decided to just stop coming near any tree in our yard. That's how I overthink, lol. But anyways, Mama received the news the other day, and then yesterday, someone told her again that the snake crawled back again to the other side, which is far from our land.

After hearing the news, I started coming again to the Atis Tree, or Sugar Apple Tree, according to Google. I keep coming here in the past few weeks because I can feel the cold breeze in there. I always see its leaves dancing with the cold breeze, and because it is always too hot in our Place, coming here has become a hobby. I just changed the location of where I stay whenever I am traveling. From my room to here. I always came in there after having lunch to have a short walk just around the yard.

This is the reason why having a Tree in your yard is the best! As long as there's no news about snakes because I always overthink, there are a lot of reasons why we should have a Tree in our Yard. We also have a Papaya Tree in here, just beside this Custard Apple Tree. It is still a baby, but we are already expecting some fruit from it. We have Guava trees too, but the main feature today will be the Custard Apple Tree and Papaya and their fruits.

Look at the body of this Papaya and it's print. I find the color really beautiful. I know it will still change, but I really like how it is printed in there. Anyway, I am really not a fan of Papaya fruits, but Mommy F really loves them. She could even eat a whole Papaya on her own. As for me, I don't really like it if it's ripe, I just want my Papaya to be just a little ripe, so when I eat it, there's a little crunch in it when I munch it. I also love to dip it in salt to enhance the sweetness, even if it is not ripe yet. It's good, actually, but it's a no-no for me if it's too yellow.

Just look at the buds and the flowers, aren't they beautiful? Seeing them in our yard is always a mood booster. Supposedly we should have two Papaya trees in our yard, but the bad neighbor cut down the other one without even batting an eye. Such a bad neighbor, tsk. It's not even his land. But anyway, nevermind about him. That kind of person is not even worth mentioning.

Now let's talk about this pretty custard apple here. Actually, the tree has a lot of unripe fruits, and we are just waiting for them to ripen a little. We will harvest it if the fruit is already like this, and we will put it in our rice container and wait for it to ripen. Im not sure if that strategy has a real effect on making it ripen fast, but we do it anyway, lol.

Sometimes, it takes days or even weeks for it to ripen, but it really depends on when you harvest it. Waiting is really not that hard, especially since we will still enjoy it all later. As for us, we harvest it earlier because if we did not, the bird would get it first. I remember that one time I was eyeing this big custard apple and waiting for it patiently, and when I checked it again, tadaaaaaan! Surprise! Almost half of it was already eaten, I am already too late, lol. Even the birds are fighting for their fruit, lol.

Image Edited in Canva

It is also one of my mom's favorites, I mean, everything is her favorite, lol. As for me, it's not my favorite, but I can still eat some of it. Just to fill my cravings. I just get a little impatience with it sometimes because of the seeds inside. There's a lot of it, and to enjoy it more, I have to get rid of it first, and I feel like that's a lot of work. But it is worth it because it really tastes good, especially if it's sweet and flavorful.

Having a tree in your yard that bears fruits is really a big help and has a lot of advantages. Aside from eating it for free, you can also eat a lot of it whenever it is already harvest time. Isn't that great? You get to enjoy it later with your family.


Let me share this pretty picture of Maria, our chicken pet. I took this while she was resting on the Custard Apple Tree. Look at her being a busy bee, cleaning her body, lol. Maybe she is also waiting for it's fruit to ripen so that she can eat some of it ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ.



Of all animals, it's snake that I am afraid. Gosh, deads agad

And antis! It's been ages since the last time I ate! Passed some here!


Same, same, yong thought palang na bigla syang lilitaw sa harapan ko is enough for me to overthink na haha.

Tag atis na, you should buy some sa palengke baka meron uwu.


Ganda naman ng koko. Heheh. Atis and papaya not my favorites pero yeah mas maganda talaga pag may fruit bearing trees sa paligid.


Hahaha, same with me. And sa totop lang, ang sayang nilang tingnan na hitik sa bunga uwu


I didn't know until now that I can now listen to blogs instead of reading. Is it a new feature, or have I missed out on some things? lol. Anyway, having some plants that bear fruits/ vegetables in yards is good. In my experience, we have a papaya tree before and it gave us so many fruits! We even get to share some with our neighbors.
