The process of making organic poisons for spraying pests on plantation crops and agriculture in rice fields


Hello all hiver friends that I honor, how are you all, I hope you are all well and wherever you are. at this time I'm back again to this beloved community and hopefully today is better than the previous day of course and everyone is healthy.

Meet again with me here at this happy moment and at this meeting I will make a post for all my friends, namely about making organic poisons for anti-pests that I made a few moments ago.

At this time, because in our area a few days ago we just finished planting rice simultaneously and so am I in the garden planting some green vegetables for our needs so with planting like this, of course, it is necessary to anticipate pests so they don't attack green plants in my garden or rice plants in my agricultural fields at this time.

In this case, to anticipate pests, I have to make organic poisons and organic poisons. to avoid harmful hardness from chemicals so I use organic poisons for all my plants both on the farm and in

In making organic poisons, several materials must be prepared first and here it is very easy for us to find some organic poisons because here in rural areas there are so many wooden leaves that can be used for organic poisons.
Well, this organic poison consists of the ingredients that I use, the first, namely 1 kg of soursop leaves. the next one, which is 1 ounce of lemongrass, is all ready, so I collect it all and I chop it finely.

After I chopped everything until it was smooth, so I blended it first. After it was chopped, I blended it until it was smooth and blended, then the water was squeezed out over the rice, finally everything came out.

And after the water is squeezed and then filtered after filtering it should be left for a few nights or two nights. Now, after letting it sit, the organic poison that we made is ready to be used like what I'm making at this point and for its use the comparison is about one spray tank filled with 16 liters, about 200 ml is used if more is allowed but not less.

With this poison, all the pests in our plantation crops, such as vegetables or agriculture, will disappear by themselves, so they don't die all at once when we spray them, so they will disappear, so spraying should be done in the morning and every 5 days we spray.

And I have proven this and I have used it several times. That's why this is just a discussion from me about making organic poisons, I hope this is useful for all my friends and good luck.
That's my post this time and meet again in the next post, of course with a different article and follow my next post.

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Wow very nice my friend By working in this way, we can also keep ourselves healthy. Because if we use pesticides in any crop, then it will be harmful for our health as well. But if we do farming organically then it is very beneficial for us. I also make substances like this, especially by boiling or grinding neem leaves, sprinkling them on the crops, which gives a lot of benefits. Potato harvesting and wheat are about to ripen here. We plant paddy crop in the month of July because it is rainy season at that time.Thanks thanks for sharing this great post. Have a good day.
