Photography of the beauty of today's sky

Hello everyone, how are you, friends who are always active here, whom I love everyone, I hope today is better than yesterday, today the weather is very sunny after several days of rain here in our area, precisely in the westernmost island of Sumatra and today The weather was very clear and the sky looked so beautiful and so did the clouds like waves and I was so interested in seeing the beauty again today, precisely at noon.

This is indeed very extraordinary and the view of the sky today is amazing and also the views of the rice fields. I can take some pictures when I do my activities in the morning towards the afternoon and I see that when I rest again it is very bright and the sun is also very bright. It's clear to see and the weather is very hot today, unlike the previous days, and it's as if the light is in the kitchen, it's such a beautiful view of the sky today, precisely at noon.

OK, friends, let's see below some photographic images of the beauty of the sky that I have prepared a few moments ago to present here to my beloved friends who are in the community of photography lovers who are always active here.

all the pictures above were taken with my cellphone camera from me. I wrote all the writing in my post above in Indonesian and then I used Google translate to translate it into English.


Very amazing fresh looking sky
