Ornamental plants in front of the house..


Hello everyone, how are you, my beloved friends who are always active here, today I am back here again, wanting to entertain you with photography that I have prepared for all my friends who are always active here with me.

At this meeting I only showed two types of ornamental gardens in front of the front house in one of the houses in my area. When I went there and I saw there were ornamental plants on the ground in front of the front house at the edge of the entrance to the house and garden. These ornamentals are planted in pots placed to the left and to the right of the house door to decorate the beauty of the house.

Because it is generally appropriate to beautify or beautify the yard of the house or yard, always plant flowers in front of the house, either in pots or make a mini garden in front of the house, depending on each person's taste. However, what I am showing is a flower planted in a pot with two types of flowers, but I don't know the name of the flower because this flower is rarely found in this area because most women plant it in front of the house with other flowers.

Maybe this flower is very expensive, that's why it's rare for me to find it here or not available in our area, maybe there are quite a lot in other areas, but this flower is very beautiful and anyone who sees it will definitely see the beauty of the flower in the pot, precisely in front of the house. This is all from me at this meeting and see you again in the following post.
