Mints and its types


Hey Everyone, Hope You are all fine and doing your jobs well.
Today I am sharing some clicks of plant I have grown in my garden.
Pepper Mint

This one I have grown in my garden and actually a hybrid specie. Water mint and spear mint both crossed to form this hybrid pepper mint.
I usually like to used mint in flavoring tea.
It is very beneficial in soothing acidity and also very effective in calming, for skin irritation, depression patients mostly used this, for menstrual cramps, nausea and diarrhoea.
Chocolate mint is also closely related to it.
Cuba Mint

This is well known for its name because of its usage in making cocktail mojito.
Its soil is well drained and highly riched in minerals and very moist.
It is also used in making tea and proves to be good in curing acidity of stomach.
That's it for now.
Hope You all have a great day.
