"Microcosm Expedition: Hidden Beauty in the Photography Lens in the Cow Grass Park"


On this bright day I want to share my experiences in this beloved Visual Shots community. Friends, today I had the opportunity to explore the grass garden that is lovingly managed by my neighbors. This location is an interesting place to hunt for photos. During my trip to the park, I managed to capture amazing moments of two species of insects that caught my attention.

The first species I managed to capture with my camera lens was an amazing spider, scientifically known as Cyrtarachne ixoides. These spiders have amazing patterns and markings, showcasing a natural wonder that many people often overlook. This allows me to experience the beauty and complexity of the micro-world that often escapes our view.



Cyrtarachne ixoides, I am fascinated by the ingenuity of nature that created this unique creature. These spiders are not just insects that roam the garden grass, but also natural artists who create works of art with their fine webs. I tried to capture the essence of the beauty and uniqueness of this spider through my camera, as a tribute to a life that is often forgotten.

Capturing this unique moment in the life of a spider is not easy. They often live in environments full of challenges, such as gusts of wind or piles of leaves that have the potential to disrupt their webs. However, thanks to patience and attention to the surrounding environment, I managed to capture this spider in a pose that shows its natural beauty.



Then not far from where this type of spider lives I saw Altika, a beautiful stink bug beetle, this was the next object in my image hunt. With its unique black color, the Altika offers a charm that is hard to ignore. I tried to capture the moment when this beetle was in the grass at that location, so as to create a stunning contrast between the color of the insect and its environment. Small details like long antennae and thin wings enrich every pixel in the photo.

In an effort to capture the intimacy of nature, I deliberately chose a viewpoint that shows Altika as if it were integrated with the grassy leaves that form the stage. Through careful compositional choices, I try to create a visual narrative in which these beetles are not only the subject, but also an integral part of the beautiful garden ecosystem.


More than just an interesting object to photograph, Altika represents the uniqueness of the local ecosystem. Highlighting the role of bedbug beetles in the life cycle of plants, this article seeks to provide an appreciation for a creature that is often forgotten but makes a major contribution to nature conservation.



Friends, by digging deeper, this article also reviews the ecological role of the two species I documented. Cyrtarachne ixoides, as an intelligent predator, helps control other insect populations. Meanwhile, Altika can make a positive contribution to the ecosystem by acting as a leaf eater which helps maintain plant balance.

These are the pictures that I uploaded along with the story, hopefully it can inspire us all to appreciate and involve ourselves more in the natural wonders around us. Hopefully this is useful, thank you.


CameraSmarphone + Macro Lens
CategoryMacro Photography.
LocationAceh Sumatara.


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