Why We Work, Blog, New Digital Art and Photography

Introduction Into Careers

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Part of our Grade 8 curriculum, here in British Columbia, includes a careers course. We began by taking a general look at why we work, different kinds of jobs and professions availible, and why we might choose career over another. Minime is a lot like his mother; he likes to insert humour into his work; so be sure to read down to the bottom for his take on what is important when choosing a profession.

Today's blog will supply home educators with both video and notes to help your child get a foothold on what it means to be part of the workforce. Let me know in the comments your approach to the topic included and feel free to drop links to your home education blogs. I would love to support other home educating parents and share ideas. I know how much time and effort it requires to education your child and home; so maybe we can also lighten each other's load by sharing online resources and notes.

Wishing everyone a fabulous year of learning:)

Having a job is exchanging regular work for money or wages. Most of us will get a job in our late teens or early twenties and spend a good portion of our lives working at jobs and careers.

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These jobs include the following:

  • cashier or server
  • cook or chef
  • teacher or professor
  • doctor or nurse
  • accountant
  • farmer or rancher
  • pilot or flight attendant
  • builder or carpenter
  • road worker
  • engineer or architect
  • travel journalist

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There are countless jobs and professions to chose from and always new ones being created and even some jobs becoming obsolete. AI will likely take a lot of people's jobs.

Another word for wages or the money people receive for doing a job is a salary. This is a set amount of money an employe will make week, month, or year. Others are paid an hourly wage. Not all jobs are paid as well as others or as prestigious. Jobs like being a doctor or an architect are seen as prestigious, and these professions generally receive a high salary. Less prestigious jobs receive a lower salary and/or hourly wage.

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You may not want to work when you get older, but most adults must work to get the essential things they need to survive. Food. Clothing. Shelter. The things we want cost money too.

Not everyone looks for or wants the same things in a job. Some people want a job that they will really enjoy. Some want a job that helps people, animals, or the planet. Some people want a job that makes a lot of money and has a lot of prestige. Some jobs require years of education and training.

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Education and training take a lot of money and time. Some people just want an easy job and a simple life. They may prefer to work outside or for themselves, even if they don't make a lot of money. Some people may chose to full-time parents and homemakers. These people often don't get paid at all.

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Minime's Thoughts ...

My dream job is being a burger puncher at McDonald’s. Not really.

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Choosing a job, profession, or career is about three main things: money, skill, and interest. People work for money to pay for needs and wants. Working at McDonalds doesn’t pay a lot, and if you punched a burger, you would get fired. My ideal job is actually a travel journalist. I like to travel. I would prefer a job that pays you more. I want to buy a house and see the world. Travel and houses are expensive. I don’t want to go to university. University is expensive. I want to get out there right away and travel. If you go to university, you have to go into debt. If I am good at being a travel journalist, I might get paid a lot and get paid for doing what I love.

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Words and Images are my own. Click on any title below to further explore and support my writing.









Congratulations your publication has been chosen among the best of the day.




My dream job is being a burger puncher at McDonald’s. Not really.

Hahaha. That's awesome. But I do like his idea to travel. The time to do it is when young!

My oldest son once said, in all serious, at 8 years of age that he wanted to grow up to be the ice cream man.


True story ... I was an ice cream person for a bit ... I scooped ice cream cones. It is hard work and you get one Popeye arm. LOL. Move to Italy and be a gelato gent:)


Always such beautiful flowers! I vaguely remember something similar when I was in eighth grade here in the US, it was a very long time ago.... It's great to kids thinking of options as they grow up. Sounds like you're doing a great job!


Thank you. As a homeschooler I am very grateful for this kind of curriculum. It is often overlooked by homeschooler who tend to focus on major subjects and also as a homeschooler, I can debrief propaganda and programming ... if you get my drift:)
