Casual day at "Cube Houses" in Rotterdam, Netherlands



My last post was written in March using Liketu and later, I took a long break. Several reasons are hidden behind my inactivity because I was not inspired and didn't want to post something that will not express the inspiration behind using this account. I posted a completely different side of my life here focusing on my lifestyle, outfits, inspiration, and locations. All of the posts I have showcased here were based on my portraits and photographs as an influencer. But unfortunately, I have lost track of life and went into a dark place in life and the entire circumstances and event made my journey difficult.

As a result of my mental health and life situations, I didn't feel motivated and didn't want to post something that won't express myself. Depression is a killer and it completely changes a person.

Anyway, the good thing is this break gave me a chance to slow down and reflect on myself, also I guess it's a fresh start to my life. Obviously, I will continue my lookbook series because I already have some plans in my mind. Those plans are just waiting for proper situation and execution.

Today, I am going to share a few photos that I have taken in front of Cube Houses, located in Rotterdam, Netherlands. You will see me wearing a very comfortable outfit, nothing stylish at all but these photos are showing a fresh start to my life. It's a beginning after all the struggles and darkness. If you are still confused about what I am talking about, about which darkness I am talking about, you can check my main account.

"The Cube Houses" in Rotterdam is one of the exquisite and iconic locations in Rotterdam and also a famous tourist spot. Not only do the unique structure, and colors attract tourists and influencers but also sustainable and versatile architecture attracts many designers and professionals as well. Attractive cubic-shaped apartments are really fascinating and together they created a new atmosphere for people living in urban life.

I have a few more photos left focusing on this location, will share them later...



Thanks, everyone...

All rights reserved...

Photo Location: Rotterdam, Netherlands

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Dear Pri, it's sad to hear of your struggles and I agree taking time away to find footing is often the best. We're always here for emotional support. 🤗


Thank you so much, yes I was emotionally damaged and that kind of thought took me into a dark place. I am glad that I got professional help and now currently I am in the recovery process. Well, I am still taking time and in the future, I will be more careful of my emotions...

Are you coming to Berlin? @elmerlin


What an amzing scene. It looks like an optical illusion! I love the combination of the architecture, the plants, the fashion and lighting, very neat.

I don't think our paths have crossed before, but glad you're sharing again. Have a great day or night : )


It looks like an optical illusion!

Exactly and also a showcase of versatile and sustainable architecture... A great place to explore...

I don't think our paths have crossed before, but glad you're sharing again. Have a great day or night : )

Thank you so much, have a great week...This is the first time we are connecting here...


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