Happiness is a journey #hiveghana contest #ghana

I grew up in pursuit of happiness I felt happiness was something I could acquire but as I grew older I realize that happiness is a journey.
Happiness is something that everyone wants to have, and the definition of happiness varry from one person to the other person, it's charaterize by how satisfied a man is. Happiness is an emotion,it can occur by positive thoughts and life events, therefore happy people are people who are satisfied with their lives, who feel okay and contented.
I made predictions about how I should feel in the future when I accomplished the things I knew were my goals, but in the process I denied myself of happiness since I was yet to reach my goals, I didn't enjoy the process, I influenced the process by being worried, tensed, stressed, hope without joy and great anticipation. I limited my happiness in anticipation to accomplish my goals. It was the wrongest way of achievement, why should I take a pause on happiness just for goals to be made?

Then I realized that to be happy I need to consciously enjoy the process. I don't have to wait for a perfect time for we all know that no life is really perfect, no one has it all. Thus, happiness becomes a choice, its a day to day activities only if a person can approach it with a positive mindset.
Reaching our destination is a beautiful thing, happiness should not be tied to the end of the road, we can choose to be happy while on our way to achievement, things may not always go the way we want.

Happiness is what should be generated internally not putting our expectations on external things.I see happiness as a journey to be enjoyed. Because external things have a way of shifting, delaying or changing and influencing our happy mood, but the secret is creating pleasure in the journey, how you feel in the present moment is the true and richest source of happiness, for the next minute isn't certain no need to postpone your happiness to a destination you ain't sure of even if we are convinced of the destination,why can't we enjoy it right from enjoying the journey process and take life one step at a time.

I would choose a little happiness everyday to a huge success at the end of the year, the little bit of happiness a day will be beneficial to my physical and mental health it can even open doors for greater achievements because a happy steady sound mind attracts more happiness and success.
Happiness as a journey doesn't mean that there will be no frustrations and discomforts but it the ability to raise above the external things causing you pains and generating your happiness right from within to be able to deal with what is bringing you pains, that's what happy people do.

