Wednesday Walk With Full Of Christmas Colors And A Successful Day At Butuan City


This Wednesday may be a very busy day for me but it is also one of the happy days in my life. Perhaps I had a great Wednesday walk with full of Christmas colors and it is also a memorable one when my passport application was successfully processed at Department of Foreign Affairs in Butuan City. And here is what happened to my #wednesdaywalk.

I woke up and left at home very early. It was 3 o’clock in the morning when I left my place. I rode by bus and I was heading to Butuan City for passport application.

Although I was very sleepy, I took some photos on my way and I was able to capture my very own reflection.

The schedule for my passport should have been last August 16, 2022 together with my dearest sister, @erikasue but unfortunately, she died tragically and suddenly on August 15, 2022.

Although still in pain, I am opt to process it with personal appearance at Butuan City because I am only given until September 14, 2022 to process it, so the passport application happened on a Wednesday.

I arrived in Butuan City at around 9 o’clock in the morning. That was really a very long travel so I felt very hungry.

The Department of Foreign Affairs was located in Robinsons Place. At that moment, the door was partially closed and a lot of people were waiting outside for the mall to open.

When I arrived there, I found out that the mall would be opened at 10 o’clock so I cannot yet get in.

I was really very hungry and I could only get in through the door in a fast food chain, so I decided to eat in my most favorite Jollibee.

And so, I was able to enter and ordered my chicken meal with fries, and a burger steak before processing for my passport.

After, I am done eating my meal, I headed directly to the third floor of Robinsons place. My passport application was rescheduled on September 14, 2022 with an approved reappointment from Department of Foreign Affairs Butuan City.

When I entered the office, I have undergone steps for processing. First, I went to the information section to submit the photocopy and original copy of the requirements and waited for the next step.

My requirements were verified and approved. And it was followed by processing of data at the processing section.

The next part was at the encoding section for passport picture shoot and biometrics verification. I passed the verification and my passport application was successfully approved.

Finally, the last step was to pay for the delivery of the courier. So that I will not go again at the office, the Department of Foreign Affairs will be the one to send it to me at my home address.

The process for my passport was very smooth and after and hour of waiting, I was done. It will take two weeks for me to get my passport and it will just be delivered to my address on October 05, 2022.

Afterwards, I asked the guard to capture a photo for me outside the Department of Foreign Affairs or DFA Butuan.

Thinking that it is my first time to go in Butuan City and I still have a lot of time to explore, I took the opportunity to explore Robinsons Place.

I was walking all around the mall. I have seen a variety of colors hanging on the ceiling and I loved all of them. The people were very nice, too as they treated me very well.

Meanwhile, I was able to find out beautiful and wonderful Christmas ornaments and stuffs.

I really wanted to buy new decorations for Christmas since what I have at home were being reused for about six years now, since I have bought all of them since 2016. Although they were quite old, I truly treasured them.

Here are the amazing photos of all the Christmas ornaments and stuffs as I have walked on a Wednesday inside Robinsons Place.

I was really mesmerized when I saw every beautiful colors of Christmas. How I wish to buy them and how I wish they were not for sale. I felt a light heart while seeing a magical view all around me.

How I love every color of Christmas that I have seen on the mall and how I wish I could buy them all but budgeting is a must.

I so love the elegant nutcrackers, merry carousels, happy santas, and all the jolly snowman that were displayed at the corners.

My Wednesday was really full of colors but I admit that I am always longing for my dearest sister, Erika and my Christmas will never be the same without her. How I wish she was with me while I was processing my passport but suddenly she was gone in the most tragic day. But then, only time will tell and only time will heal the deepest wounds.

The colorful Christmas trees made me alive and they made me happy for a while.

Life must go on despite being twisted a million times.

But now, I am living with the dreams we once had, and I must say that she may be gone but all the dreams that we once had would always be chased as I am reaching them through thinking on the brighter side of life. And that life must go on despite being twisted a million times.

Both of us wanted to travel abroad. And if given the opportunity, we would grab it. But now, I am left with a heavy and bleeding heart after she was gone yet I do not want that her dreams would also die with her. So despite all the pain, sorrow, and despair from within, I am standing up once more to continue our broken dreams. I am looking forward to embracing a glorious day once more. And I greatly believe, only God knows.

My day ended with so much delight in my heart. How about you? How was your Wednesday? I hope you were having a great Wednesday walk. Perhaps I have experienced a Wednesday walk with full of Christmas colors literally and figuratively at Butuan City.

Disclaimer: All texts and images are my own, unless otherwise stated.


It's so colorful indeed! It would be awesome to buy them all but yeah, budget hinders us. 😅
Christmas is such a happy time for Filipinos like us.
This year will be the first that your dear sister won't be with you physically but I'm pretty sure she's watching you and your family from heaven. 😘


Aww, that is the reality dear wittzel. Christmas will never be the same without her but let me embrace it that she would be watching us from heaven. Really so painful but I have to accept. When Christmas is coming, colorful views are everywhere and we always love watching them most especially the winter stuffs although Philippines do not experience snow. The Christmas village and Christmas ornaments are indeed magical. Have a happy holidays with your fam my dear friend.


So sorry for the loss of your sister

That’s great the application for your passport process went smoothly and was approved
That’s a cool and colorful mall

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)


Thanks dear @tattoodjay . My long travel was worth it for it was approved successfully but I am sad because my sister is not with me anymore physically.

And I really loved all the colorful Christmas stuffs inside the mall. Thanks for your attention my dear friend. Take care.


It's so beautiful, tita. I love Christmas time. 😍


Thanks a lot for appreciating nani. I wanna hug you tight. Much love from me as always. Virtual hugs.


The Christmas trees are beautiful 😍
I want one of them for Christmas, mine always looks straight out of a horror movie. 🥺


Aww you could transform your Christmas tree and make it brighter through adding lights and bright colors my dear friend @darthsauron . Adding Christmas lights and colorful stuffs like red, gold, green, blue, and yellow would make your Christmas tree lively. Thanks for adding your valuable reply my dear friend. I hope you are well. Take care.


I was looking forward to see those ornaments, but just now I read about tragic and devastating news. I am so sorry for your loss 💔


Awww I so appreciate your love and care my dear friend moonlight. Glad to see you here and in all blogging platforms. I admit I am not really so fine but I will keep on moving on. Have a nice time dear.


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Surreal. Christmas is coming indeed.


Surely you are so excited for Christmas too sis. Have a happy holidays ahead. Take care.


I can feel the pain of doing something alone when you actually planned doing it with someone, I'm sending you a very warm virtual hug my darling.

It's a good thing you were able to get past all the processes for acquiring your passport, I really do hope you get to fulfill your dreams and I'm sure Erika will be happy for you.

Oh my!! All the images are looking really stunning and colorful. You too are looking good in the image the guard took of you, keep shining dear.


Aww my sweet sis @hopestylist , thank you so much for all the love and care. I so appreciate you. I admit I am sad although I successfully passed the application because my sister is not with me anymore. You know what it was really very hard but I have too because I was given a deadline to fulfill it.

I am always grateful of your time and attention. Thank you so much sis. Sending love from my side. Take care.


You are always welcome Sis, I'm always happy I can be of help in any little way.. I totally understand how you might be feeling and it's really not easy at all 😩, but we just have to move on and just keep living.

Always wear a smiling face and I'm sure soon your heart will learn to be happy. Your sister will be happy to see you are happy, I'm very sure of that.

Hope you are having a great weekend?


You always have those comforting words for me. That was a relief. I love you sis. Thank you so much for being so sweet and nice. I really appreciate your attention every time. Sending love and a big hug. Have a nice day.


I'm really happy I could be of help, it's making me feel really happy to read this comment, thank you too sis, I love you too, so much 🤗.

Receiving virtual hugs and love 🥰🥰.


Good day, yes it is very nice to know that the Christmas atmosphere is getting closer, you can feel the vibes, it is the most beautiful time of the year, I am very fascinated by Christmas, very nice ornaments that you took a picture of them.


Thanks my dear friend for the appreciation and for your attention. Christmas is getting near. Have a wonderful time. Keep safe.


Looks and sounds like it was a fun walk for you @pinkchic! Christmas in September lol.
Lots of colors!!!
This post was obtained through Dreemport.


Aww I appreciate your wonderful remarks James. Hehe. Just so excited for Christmas. Thanks for dropping by. Have a wonderful day and take care.


hi my dear Pinkchic... I cannot believe that the shops are full of Christmas goodies already... it's only September! I do love the feeling of Christmas though... especially as a mom... it is such a magical time for children. Some of those decorations are super cute.

Having drawn closer to God and Jesus this past year, I will impress more upon my boys, of the importance of the season. It was always mentioned and stories told ut they are also a bit older now and able to understand a bit more.

I am happy for you that your passport got approved. I know it must feel terribly sad and the outlook and protect of travelling abroad now has a different look and feel about it without Erika by your side, but I firmly believe that she would want you to grab that opportunity when it comes around and embrace life fully for the both of you. Where had you considered going in the world? Any place drawing you towards it in particular? Big hugs, my lovely 💗🤗🙏💗 !LUV !LADY

Seen on #dreemport
#dreemer for life


Hello, dear Sam. Here in the Philippines, when September starts, a lot of Christmas decors are already hang in malls in preparation for the season. And there are lots of holiday sale, that is the most exciting part. Hehe. And yes, Sam, I am really sad although my passport application was approved because my sister is not with me anymore.

Actually, she was planning to work abroad but sad to say she is not here anymore. As for me, it is just a matter of preparation if given an opportunity to work but for now I am working in DepED. Maybe part of it is for travels and vacation most especially if there are flight sales. Hehe. Hopefully, in the most perfect time.

My Christmas will never be the same without her. I hope I could get through every deep pain from within. I admit, I cannot help myself but cry. Yet I am always hopeful that things will be alright in God’s perfect timing.

Thank you so much for your attention Sam. Best regards and my tightest hug.


The first year is the hardest as you experience so many firsts without a loved one... it gets easier and the memories become so dear and special. Sending you so much love... and I hope one day that you get to do more travelling and experience more of the world xx


Thank you for the encouragement Sam. I will hold on to your words. I really need those comforting words as it is really the hardest but I am not losing hope. See you around my dear friend. Take care always and best regards to you.
