Various flyers doing their thing.

I have several kinds of birds in the air in this compendium post.

First up we have an Egyptian Goose taking off from a house roof.

Different birds that I snapped during last week and not on the same day, so I didn't post them, as I rather kept them for one combined post.
Whenever I go out with the camera, for the purpose of taking nature shots, I often also take photos of any flyers that I see. There is a huge variety of bird species in the area and I will simply continue with this system, to gather up photos for combined posts of the same subject.
Come and see.

Yep, he came right over my head.

Here below we have a family of Hadedah Ibis birds.
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Three Pied Crows in flight.
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This is a Black-headed Heron below.
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5 Sacred Ibis birds in flight.

It was dark and I couldn't identify the set of flying geese.
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Finally the light was also too bad to get a clear shot of the Sparrow Hawk.

The next flying birds post will not have the species of birds in this post, as I like to show different things. One can never be certain what one will get, but one thing certain is uncertainty. This is a paraphrase of what an American mathematician, Professor John Paulos, said. His words were; Uncertainty is the only certainty there is and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.
Not only in photography, but also in life methinks :)
I hope that you like the play on words here, and it is just something to make us all think.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

Thank you kindly for supporting a post on behalf of @papilloncharity


" Uncertainty is the only certainty there is and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security." That's a great quote and very true.


With power outages at it again, sorting out paperwork on my desk missed you for awhile, hope the doctors went well and nothing untoward.

Take care and !LUV to Marian
!WINEX to oil up the joints.....
