RE: The last dark walk.

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I know and I also know that you put most of the work in the van at home 😜 !LOLZ

You see? As I said above, you even work in the van even on holidays. Only teasing as I know what it means to you, and I am sure that you will get used to the new outlay. I am now very inquisitive and cannot wait to see the photos 😲

Oh man, to fall asleep quickly is only a dream for me, as lately I have so many pains and cramps that I roll around for hours. I think that only the van will make you rise out of the bed very quickly πŸ˜‰

Ha! You forget that Mother nature is teaching you patience, and one day when you have waited long enough, a very rare animal will pop up to pose for you πŸ˜‚

I think that you liked the joke 😊 and this is an amazing story. Like me, you also love animals and that tasting must have been a horrible experience. So much so, that you mind has erased the taste of it.
Btw. Only kings and queens have cake for breakfast, so in a past life I am sure that you were a king, maybe even the king of Austria πŸ˜…

20 minutes only! Wow, such a great service that you have there. We also make appointments here, but when we arrive there are about 50 people that made appointments at the same time. So, we have to sit and wait for our turn which can take a long time. After about 2 or 3 weeks they send a message to collect the passports and then we have to wait in a queue again. Your systems work, but ours are dysfunctional πŸ˜‰

Hahaha, everything depends on the van again, and I don't know if you remember that I said the van would become your second wife, so now she also rules all of your decisions πŸ˜†

Wet here today from 9am to 4 pm, and then the gaps in the clouds opened the blue sky in patches. So, obviously we popped out to the mountains. Cold and a bit difficult with the light.

I hope that the van will love you even more after this weekend my friend πŸ’•

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

yep, at the moment I'm always thinking of the van and what I could do to improve it. Last night I destroyed the curtains at the tailgate in the back of the van - I tore down the curtains while leaning back 😜 !LOLZ That means I have done a bad job when I installed them and will have to find a better solution ... this van will never be finished 😁

Last night I was on a mountain nearby because they said we might see Northern Lights / Aurora Borealis at night. I've seen a nice sunset

and a nice sunrise,

but I slept very well in my warm sleeping bag in the van when the lights were on the sky (I have seen some Instagram posts about them).

I can't remember how the cat tasted, but I am sure that I will never taste it again πŸ™ƒ

I wished I could take some of the pain from you - to keep me more awake and to help you sleep better 😊

Haha, my wife sometimes bakes a cake for us when she has time - no special cake, but great for breakfast πŸ˜‹

Yep, it took only 20 minutes and the new passports have already arrived yesterday πŸ˜€
Since the pandemic you have to make such appointments and it works quite fine, but before Covid you just went there and had to wait until it was your turn.

Yesterday was much better than the prediction and today seems to get even better, but tomorrow it will certainly rain, says the weatherman. I somehow don't want to believe him πŸ™ƒ
Cool, you have been in the mountains too. Our clouds have been similar to yours, but in the evening the sun painted them nicely, as you can see in the image above.

So, tonight I might give the Aurora another try and hopefully not sleep again πŸ™ƒ

Wishing you a nice Saturday, my friend, lovely weather and some spectacular views 😊🌞

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always πŸ˜‰


Hi Hannes,

Another idea is to install a blind that you can pull down instead of curtains. I have seen it in some vans here. I think they attach a rail under the roof of the van that hold the blind inside and then pull it down when they need to. You haven't done a bad job, and I am sure that you find a better way to finish the van before you are too old to drive it 😜 !LOLZ

I just can't believe this! The last time that the Aurora colors were so bright during a sun storm was very long ago. So, you go out to take some photos of this historic occasion, and you fall asleep. I think that the taking of these two magnificent photos bewitched you and your mind got so excitedly filled with tons of adrenaline, that afterwards your mind sent a message to your body of tiredness.
You are the first guy that I know that goes out to take photos of the Borealis that goes to sleep before they arrive. Surely this is a Guinness World Record. I have to give you another !LOLZ here.

Your cats will never forgive you if you eat another cat 😲

The doctor gave me a new course of anti-biotics today, and the things make me a bit woozy in the head. So now my pill quotation that I take every day has increased to 12. Such is life my friend and we each have to carry our troubles on our own. Thank you for the care and I really hope that you will not have the same in your future. πŸ™

Super service that you guys have there, and I really hope that in the future our services will also improve.
Especially now with all of the IT apps that are available πŸ˜‰

Never trust the weatherman my friend, and your clouds are much better than mine, especially in that first photo. I also like the sun on the river in the second photo. A great effect. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘Œ

Hihihi, I will wait and please don't shock me again by falling asleep πŸ₯²

Saturday started with fairy rain and cold, but later in the afternoon it was sunshine (and still cold).
I hope that you will have a busy Sunday editing all of your new Aurora photos πŸ˜‚

Cheers and thanks.


Hi Zac,

I have also thought of installing a blind, but I didn't, because at least in my van it would be harder to install than a curtain, and you can see from the outside when there's a light on in the van. I already have a kind of "curtain" with magnets that I can put over the window, but I'd like to have a real curtain... I hope I'll find a solution before I'm too old to drive πŸ˜‚

I should have stayed up the other night to see the Autora, because yesterday it was completely cloudy, so I couldn't see the sky, and tonight it's getting even worse after a quite nice day - no Aurora photos till the next sun storms. Bad weather is approaching us with dark storm clouds and we will have rain and cold temperatures all week long, says the weatherman. When I look up to the sky I tend to believe him 🌧️

12 pills a day is really a lot and I also hope that I'll never have to take any of these things that make all only worse.

Thanks for your compliment on my images πŸ˜ŠπŸ™

Today I wanted to show Mother Nature how patient I am by trying to take some bird photos at a rapeseed field. The field was awesome yellow and I could hear many birds sing near me, but I haven't seen any ... Mother Nature must have had so much fun seeing me waiting for 1 1/2 hours without taking any photos but of the yellow field and the trees behind 😁

In one of the images I thought I have seen a little spot that could possibly be a tiny little bird, but I wouldn't bet on it πŸ˜‚ !LOLZ

Today was quite nice, as said above, and in the afternoon I drove a little bit around the lake with my wife and and we went for a short walk at the reservoir where I often make a morning walk, but on our way home the sky was already getting darker and windy - soon it will rain.

Hope you have had a sunny and warm Sunday, my friends 🌞😊 wishing you a nice evening and a good start into the new week.

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always πŸ˜‰


Hi Hannes,

I was up at 4am this morning, heart racing and pulse pounding. I think it's the new anti-biotic tablets that are interfering with my normal tablets. The doctor gave me a very strong dose, and now I am thinking about stopping to take the new ones. But I am not complaining.
I am sure that you will get the curtain issue sorted out soon my friend, way before you are too old to drive 😜

Sad about your weather, as there is not much that you can do outside and besides your work keeps you busy. I have seen lovely pictures of the Aurora taken right here in the cape province of South Africa. A guy took them from a coastal town called Gansbaai (Goose Bay), but it is too far for me to drive there, as I will have to leave here at 2am in the morning in order to get there 😲

12 pills have now increased to 15 and I have to take the new 3 twice per day. So now I am struggling to sleep and will again a zombie today πŸ˜‰

Wow! A new record, as you have waited for 1 and a half hours. A great start and Mother nature will be happy that she tested you and you passed the test with flying colors. I am proud of you. The yellow fields and the trees look stunning. So now that you passed the test, she will start to encourage you to wait for 2 hours 😲

The strange thing is that the small dot "bird" was indeed a bird, and had you waited longer you would have seen all of the birds appearing to pose for you πŸ˜€ !LOLZ

As I said above somewhere, your photos are stunning, and thank you for showing them to me. Glad that the wife went with you for a walk at the reservoir and I also think that this time the weatherman got it right. They don't have a thumb suck emoji that I can put here πŸ˜›

A nearly warm Sunday, and only 2 days of the new week that's going to be hot. I also hope that apart from the weather, your new week will be kind to you 😊

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

I think we have had this theme a while ago ... you take tablets and need other tablets against their side effects, and so on. Now you have to take these anti-biotic tablets and probably the doctor will give you other tablets against the side effects. It's a never ending cycle, it seems, that's bad and that's one reason why I don't take any.
Hopefully your body only has to get used of the new tablets and you slept better last night. I know you're not complaining - you're never complaining and take life as it is ... "such is life" πŸ™

There are so many of these Autora photos around that I really don't mind a lot, because they all look about the same. Of course it looks beautiful, and I love the red and pink colors, but I don't think I would have taken better images than the others ... and there will be a next time anyway πŸ˜‰

You know I love Zombie movies like The Walking Dead - you hopefully are not hungry for brains, but I wouldn't be hungry if I was you, because 15 pills would make my stomach full πŸ˜…
Jokes aside, your amount of pills is increasing - I don't like to hear that and wished there was a better way for you.

I haven't made any plans for my next "wildlife" shoot, but I'm not sure that I would ever be able to wait for 2 hours ... maybe, we'll see πŸ˜‰
There was really a small bird shaped dot in one of the photos, but I can't find it again. I could hear them, but didn't see any movement πŸ˜‚ !LOLZ

As the new bed in the van is now wide enough for 2 people, my wife and I will go for a short trip together soon, but till then I will have to have suitable curtains on the back window. If I get home earlier today, I'll give it another try.

It was raining yesterday, but I didn't mind because I was inside anyway.

I'm wishing you a lovely warm day, my friends from the south 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always πŸ˜‰


Good afternoon Hannes,

yes, you are right as we did discuss it one a previous occasion. I really hope and pray that you will never get into a health situation that will force you to go onto the tablet route. They look like candy of all colors, and they can fill the palm of your hand. So, it's a mad merry-go-round, as the tablets fight in your body for supremacy πŸ₯΄

So, I know that you weren't able to get any photos of the Aurora due to sleeping on the first attempt and then the weather spoiled your chances on the second occasion. But you are right, as all of the photos look similar. There will be another chance for you to get the next ultra special one at the end of 20 years. By that time, you will be long retired, and an old man like me 😜

Yeah, I do know that you like Zombie movies, and no brains for me at this stage of the battle my friend. I eat 3 small meals now every day, and the food that I eat has no fats in it. Of course, I would love to have a medium fried one inch steak, but no such luck ever again. At this stage of the fight, according to the doctor, this current situation with the pills is the only way to go. They will not cure me, but they will prevent me from having another stroke that can kill me πŸ™

I am sure that I will be the first guy that you contacted when you have achieved a 2 hour wait. πŸ˜‰
As far as the wildlife is concerned, I look at your photos with a magnifying glass and couldn't see a bird in it. Maybe you were so desperate to get a bird, that your mind convinced you that the white spot was a bird 😁!LOLZ

Ah! A bed that is big enough for the two of you sounds wonderful, and I hope that your winds find the short trip so great, that she will insist to go with every time that you go out. Have you thought about putting a thin metal curtain rail above the back window? In any case I am sure that you will sort it out my friend 😊

Good that you were inside during the rain, and I am getting the most stunning sunset clouds here now.

Thank you and the day was indeed warm. Wishing you also to have a good day tomorrow 😍

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

in a couple of minutes I'll be on my way to my second nightshift this week 😴

I hope that you'll find a doctor who reduces the amount of pills you have to take and who gives you only the ones you really need and that don't need other pills because of their side effects.
And I do hope that one day we'll sit in

I have never been a fan of these green Aurora colors, but the red and pink ones would have been awesome to see. Maybe I'll have to wait for 20 years, but then I will not sleep and send you the photos taken from my wheel chair, of course 😁

Of course I will tell you immediately when I have waited for some animals for 2 hours without falling asleep πŸ˜‚ !LOLZ

I have found a cheap solution for the curtains on Amazon and I do hope that it looks as in the images. It's just like I would have done it myself, but it's cheaper than buying the material and do all myself πŸ˜‰

Yesterday and last night it was raining and today it seems to be wet too. I don't mind because I'll be in the office anyway.

My next shift will be on Monday and then on Thursday. After that I'll have two weeks off πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

I'm wishing you lovely weather and an even better weekend, my friend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always πŸ˜‰


Good afternoon Hannes,

yay, some paid sleep and did I tell you that you are a lucky guy? πŸ˜‰

Amazingly, we met a guy this morning that has very similar conditions like mine, except the critical iron problem. He takes a pill that covers 3 of my pills in one, and he gave me the name of the pill, we will tell my doctor to get it for me. So, that will be less 2 pills, and the good news is that I now have only 4 more days to take the 4 anti-biotic pills, then they will also be gone. So, that will be 6 pills less than the normal pills that I have to take every day 😊

Sadly, I will never see them, but the way that things are going over here, we might have to flee and seek refuge in another country. Then I might be able to see them. Hopefully I will also still be alive in 20 years' time, and we both will be able to send each other photos from our wheelchairs 😜

Great and I am sure that a 2 hour wait for you will be historical 🀣

Very wise and congrats. Like you said, we can only hope that the curtains will be exactly the same as the photos. They could be half the size, and then you will cry 😲 !LOLZ

Glad that you are in the office, else you will be going out there, and get nothing on camera, with a non-bonus of getting wet πŸ˜‰
Cold here at 20C today, but we love this kind of weather.

Thank you and we hope that you guys will also have a good weekend my friend πŸ™

Cheers and thanks.


Good morning Zac,

the paid sleep is over and in half an hour I have to go home πŸ˜† Yep, I'm lucky to have a job that I didn't want when I was young, but I am happy now that I will soon retire from it 🀣 !LOLZ

6 pills less sounds great - still too many, but hopefully the ones you still have to take help πŸ™

Hard times everywhere, but especially in the countries where the times have never been easy. I hope you don't have to flee, but find a quiet place where you can stay in peace without any fear.

Oh yes, being able to wait for two hours for something that might not appear would be something historical for me - it might even change my whole life or the way I'm living, which is too impatient and too fast πŸ˜€

The curtains have arrived yesterday and after a short breakfast at home I will try to install them in the van. They looked too long in the photos, so I'm pretty sure that even if they are half the size, they will fit 🀞πŸ€ͺ

It's looking nice outside - the sun is shining and we have 8C, but it will get warmer soon - 20C would be fine for me too πŸ˜…

Today I'll work a bit on the van and later I want to go somewhere to take some photos, but I have no idea yet where to go. Maybe I'll take a nap and go tomorrow πŸ˜‰ and on Monday I have my next nightshift ... paid sleep 😴

Wishing you another lovely day and weekend, my friend 🌞😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always πŸ˜‰


Good evening Hannes,

So, how many years did you work at the job that you didn't want when you were young? I know that it has to be a lifetime long, and no wonder that you want to run away at the last day πŸ˜‰ !LOLZ

Oh yeah, only 4 hours sleep last night, and the problem is that I cannot sleep when it's daylight. But 2 more days, then the 4 pills of the anti-biotics will fall away. Then another few days and 2 other pills will also fall away 😊

We are already looking for such a place, but this time we will only be renting, as then we will lose nothing if anything goes wrong πŸ™

I agree and it will be a record for you to wat 2 hours. But here me when I say that older that you get, the slower you will become. Remember that I said this, as my drive and energy is now depleted. I even struggle to play rugby lately 🀣

Looking forward to see how you have changed the van's furniture, and I am sure that you will get it right with the curtains. We saw this new little electric panel van today.

I will have a look at the agents, as it is an ideal van for town driving, and it uses no petrol.

Hahaha, I bet that in 20C you will walk around in a short pants and sandals. With sunglasses of course.
We will see 8C and lower soon, as we are now on the border of winter 😜

Don't rush and take things slowly, as you will have many opportunities to take many photos in the future my friend. Working on the van and taking a nap sounds great to me πŸ˜‰

May you guys also have a great weekend my friend.

Cheers and thanks.


I'm in the other office now and it seems that Mother Nature is teasing me, because the sun is shining and she will probably let it rain tomorrow ... have a nice day, my friend 🌞

Cheers and !BEER


Hahaha, she likes to tease us, but you can never know, as she is a female, and you know that they can change their minds in an instant 😁!LOLZ


Yep, she was changing her mind quite often yesterday: it was a mixed-weather day - rain and sunshine and rain again, but I've had a quite nice shift.

Cheers and !BEER


She does the same here and I feel sorry for the weatherman. Paid sleep is always very enjoyable my friend πŸ˜† !LOLZ




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