A day in the country, sharing and preparing for my best friend's wedding.


Hello friends again I want to share my weekend experience with you, in my previous post I was sharing my first visit to a very beautiful place that belongs to a friend, the reason was to share with a large group of friends in family but this time we would be cleaning and organizing some things for the marriage of a couple of friends who wanted to do country type, this farm was the ideal to realize their dream of getting married in a beautiful place mountain climate and countryside, so this was my second visit on weekend since during the week I am working.

My weekend day started very early at seven o'clock I was ready with my breakfast in my backpack waiting for my friends to come and pick me up in their truck, at 8:30am we were on our way but the road was obstructed by a lot of mud belonging to a flood, the truck being all terrain took us to this place, when we arrived we got down to work to organize the things we would need to decorate the place, we started cutting eucalyptus, rosemary and pine leaves.

After cutting what we needed, we cleaned the remains, we went to feed the cattle, one is called Florencia and the other Faustino, that is how their owners baptized them, there is a smaller one but it is part of another corral, they feel good when humans feed them, it seems that they want to talk, they flutter and make a lot of noise, it is a very nice experience I did not know that I would like to interact so much with these animals.

We visited the classrooms of the birds that are also many and make a lot of songs, we left their food in the classrooms and we left, because another friend was going to mow the lawn or grass around the place, we took the opportunity to eat breakfast and then assemble the arrangements that we had pending to place on the altar where the pastor would give the blessing to our friends.

The radiant sun did not last long, it began to cloud over and dense clouds began to gather over the farm and in a few minutes it began to rain so we could not continue arranging and cleaning, since the ceremony would take place outdoors in front of the pool would be the altar, we waited a few minutes while we ordered the lamps that would go around the pool to illuminate.

A few hours passed and the day was still raining so our friends were forced to suspend the ceremony in that place, we were sheltering the wooden chairs under the shed where the barbecue was, we also organized boxes to take the arrangements and decorations to place it in the new place, we moved to the city after noon it was after 2pm.

We kept the rabbits to protect them since the cages had gotten wet and there was a lot of mud, after leaving more food for the cattle, we picked up our bags and got in the car to return to the city, no doubt the country atmosphere I like very much, you can relax doing anything from sweeping the leaves of the fruit trees to give food to the animals, again I had a great day thanks to God and to nature that is beautiful and allows us to enjoy it.

I hope to continue telling you about my weekend experiences, since I will be visiting this place called agroturismo la colmena, here we will be enjoying nature and sharing with family the next weeks if God allows us. It is a pleasure for me to share with you this experience and I hope you can also interact with animals and nature.


The place looks great for a weekend in contact with nature. It's a pity that because of the bad weather your friends had to cancel their ceremony there.

By the way, a recommendation is that you cite the source of your photos. Even if they are your own, as in this case :)


Hey yeah great place but bad weather ruined the plans.

Thanks for the tip I should post something like:

All photos are my property or taken by me.

I should add this to the end of all my posts?

I appreciate the help ☺️


You are very welcome! My pleasure to help :)

And yes, that will be fine. And you should add it in all your post unless you use other's images. Which should be free to use, and you should properly indicate the source of them in the posts.


Thank you very much for your guide, I will do so, thank you for visiting my blog.


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How great I am happy for this achievement 😊💖 thank you.


You're welcome @nayed, it's well deserved! Congrats on your constant involvement on Hive 😊👍


These are interesting photos you took, plus the cute rabbits and cattles. You really did a great job for your friends getting married soon.

I wish them happy married life in advance.


Hey yes they are cute thanks for your appreciation.
