RE: Art And Craft

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As the kids say now, I loved the recreation of the nativity scene in Bethlehem, the bags are beautiful, the necklaces, everything, hahaha. Years ago I also saw crafts made with some types of dried leaves of plants in a town far from where I live, I was surprised to see so many things that can be done with recycling, plants, wood, in short, it's a matter of creativity.

I love this kind of fairs, they are spaces where handmade work should be valued even more, and that's why they are usually expensive, but they are more than unique pieces.

Beautiful pictures. Best regards.


If you like these, maybe you can check out my posts about the straw museum. They had so many lovely things. Let me get you the links.

The Straw Hat Museum - Open Area And Souvenir Shop
Visiting The Land Of Straw Hats - The Museum

Looks like I'm not the only one who likes these fairs and I'm glad to hear that. And you're right, handmade things are always expensive as they spend more hours creating them and are also of limited series.

Thanks for the nice comment and have a nice day :)
