Walks on no sleep, friendly stray dogs, off the beaten path



I didn't sleep last night. My sleeping pattern is completely all over the place. I knew that being up so early meant opportunity to get out and visit and photograph the local market here, apparently markets like to open real early in the morning; though despite my excitement and having packed my camera bag, I reached the market and it was just as dead as it had been the last time, few stalls up, nobody roaming through. There was nothing to see, nothing to photography. So, what's the next best thing to do? I decided that instead of returning home immediately, I would instead go on an adventure. I walked around the rustic town, well, it claims it's a city. Down streets I have never seen before, in search of life, composition, and a few stories to tell. I walked so much that I ended up losing the path, reaching areas that seemed more and more industrial, leading to highways. I wanted to walk more, to keep on going. In the distance was the Ararat mountain which was teasing some visibility through the clouds. Early morning, I still had energy.

Stray dogs blocked the roadside that grew increasingly dangerous. I was worried about stepping beyond. I trust a lot of the stray dogs here but in areas void of people, I don't feel as comfortable walking up to a pack of 4~ dogs of varying size and breed. Knowing that I'd be alone in the event that they got a bit too agitated by my presence. Funnily, a few hours later, an Armenian breed of dog decided to play with me, biting down on my arm quite gently. It played with a dog a mere fraction of its size with the same gentle nature, and I've seen it around before. It's interesting how huge a dog can be, and so fragile. Yet small ones can be terrifying. This group of dogs, however, seemed like angels. They ran up to me with such excitement, as if I had been the first human they had ever seen, giving them such intense fascination. They'd run around me, lay down at my feet and roll around. At the same time, industrial trucks would scream by on the roadside, kicking up dust and causing so much noise. The dogs didn't seem to care much. This was their general home.

The airport isn't too far away, and from here you'd see and hear the planes coming in to land above. So low that you could read the specific airline that the aircraft belonged to. I wish I had my 85mm lens with me, to capture these planes coming in to land with more detail, a closer perspective. But I used the 35mm I had with me anyway. It made me realise how fun these sudden roams can be, and how fun it is to be able to photograph them, the random events that take place along the way. The discovery of it all. I wondered how many other foreigners had walked this area, in a way it felt like I was completely alone. Isolated. In a place of my own.

For the best experience view this post on Liketu


Those dogs sure look sweet. I guess dogs are like people, how they behave depends on how they have been treated by (other) people.


Yeah, I've heard a lot of bad things about the strays here, and people generally seem afraid of them. But almost all of the dogs I have seen have immediately came to me and been so kind. Only once did some dogs run at me and were a metre away from giving me rabies, but that's because of how close I was to some real stray dog territory and they didn't like that. The rest roam the streets surrounded by people and love a snack, or even just a good petting.

Even earlier a group of dogs ran through the streets, I kept my distance, but an old woman casually walked through. She stopped and just said to me that they're sweet dogs but just looking for food.


It also defintely depends on your energy. I think you have good energy around you and they sense you are friendly and not out to harm or disturb them.


That's definitely how it seems. With some people you can see how nervous they are around the dogs, and their sudden movements just makes the dogs nervous. I think having had dogs in the past is what helps, you can read their behaviour pretty easily.


I think having had dogs in the past is what helps, you can read their behaviour pretty easily

That too. I grew up with an awesome dog. I trust ( and like ) cats less.


I trust ( and like ) cats less.

That addition is how I know you're speaking the truth, haha. I'm the same. They just have a completely different and unreliable attitude.


Yeah. They basically do their own thing, scratch you when they don't like what you do and don't care about you ( won't show unconditional love ), just about getting fed.
Plus they kill loads of little birds, when outdoors, and I love birds.


So sorry about your camera. I love dog so well and despite their fierce nature they can still be as friendly as we humans. They made me remember my dogs that got killed in the process of defending it territory but hoping to get another one very soon.
