Opening of the fly-fishing season


Dear all,

i am happy to share with you this years first fly-fishing experience. After a long winter it is finally time to go out again to enjoy nature and the challenge of fly-fishing! Come with me and enjoy some pictures of this nice natural place and some beautiful fish we caught.

We have one small but nice fly-fishing spot close to our home and since the season was just opened and the weather nice, we took our gear and went to visit this hidden gem.

Hidden by trees and bushes you can fins this little stream which is providing a home to local fish, insects and other wonderful creatures.

This part of the stream is mostly covered by overhanging trees which is making fishing not easy but this spot had some space for us to start throwing the line to the water.

So we set up the gear and started fishing

A little Mayfly wanted to join us. You can find many of this kind of fly here and it is a tasty little snack for trouts and grayling living here. With our fly baits we try to copy the appearance of the Mayfly's on the water.

Lets find out what is swimming around here.

The first little trout of the day. Of course it is a small one and was put back to the water carefully.

When walking the stream up we reached some more open areas where throwing a line was much easier.


A bit further up i caught a nice grayling. They have a strong smell which reminds one of thyme. The Latin name actually is "Thymallus thymallus".

Here a little close up before releasing this beauty back to the water.


My bro was able to catch a some bigger trout that day which was a good fighter. Have a look at this cute fellow.

This was unfortunately the last fish we caught before we called it a day.

After all it was a fun day and nice start to open the season. The condition of the stream seem to be much better this year then the last. Hopefully we can come here back soon to enjoy this amazing place.

I hope you enjoyed out fishing trip and the pictures i took. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask or just leave a comment if you want.

Thank you for stopping by, have a nice day and see you soon
