Everybody wants to shine without Searching for their own light.

Hello Family


In the highlights of the recent events making the rounds in my country we have seen so many vibrant youth trying to break the Guinness book of record of different activities ranging from cooking,to crying, body massaging and several other.
People from different walks or life have been breaking records to receive the spotlight of been good at a particular thing and the resilience required to perform such acts for a longer time, something outstanding and extra ordinary.

The most recent and successful one was the cook-a-thon by our dearest Hilda Baci who cooked for about 100hrs non stop cooking about 200meals served to about 4000 people. That moment she became a star with supports from important persons in the society and among the youths in particular.

This became like some sort of reminder to so many people that they could also try to break one record or the other just to come to this light. A female youth collapse trying to break a record for long hours of massaging people at a spa, and rumors of another young man who went blind trying to break the record for longest hours of crying.

They all forgot this one thing I have included in the photo below


We do not have the same energy, resilience capacity and capabilities.
For a long time now I have often compared my life journey in life with others, most especially in terms of career, I feel unfulfilled and left behind compared to my mates whom we graduated school together.
Everyone seem to be doing better than myself.
Some have outstanding skills.

Others have well paying jobs I admire (Believing that they may have extra brains to have been employed into such positions).

And just like that we keep comparing ourselves with each other.
We desire the same level of progress hence we push ourselves so hard even beyond our limits.
Countless times I broke down because I had minimal rest.


This is totally unwise.
After having a long and busy weekend with not even a single space to rest I woke up about 4am and decided to try my hands at this needlework project but I was feeling so tired

At first I wanted to shake it off not willing to be lazy but truth be told we often push ourselves so hard just because we want to achieve the same level of success with others.

These thoughts came to my mind and I pen them on my WhatsApp status


Success has numerous definition depending on how you see it. We are all successful in our own unique ways and we do not have to seek to shine with other peoples light.

When the time is right and you have done the right things consistently, no body can stop your shine
And wealth is never a true measure of success. And contentment brings true peace and happiness.
We must learn to work in our own pace, time, limits and energy capacities.
Love what you do
And do what you love.


Remember to laugh and enjoy life
I hope this shot above puts smile on your face. 💖🌺💕😘

All along I was going to make a simple dress for myself to accompany my sister to the kiddes graduation party.


After making outfits for my sister and her daughter (my niece)
I have to look good myself and since I have a little more time, I can lazy out a Monday morning in my bed 😂😂😂.


Sometimes we learn life lessons other times our lifestyle teach us a lesson, today I have learnt to work with my own pace and be happy and contented with what stage of life I am at this age.


Thank you for staying tuned to my length lines, couldn't help shorten these 🌺🙏🙏🙏.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 167 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!


The sky is big enough to accommodate us, we can shine without outlining others and comparing ourselves, we are all built differently.

Keep shining sis, the dress is fine by the way.


Hmm, deep but true, if can learn to appreciate our little wins and know that no two individuals are the same, we are all unique in our ways. Comparison isn't healthy.


And wealth is never a true measure of success.

I totally agree with you. Humans are the real measure of wealth. It is terrible that many people always compare themselves with others without knowing that we all are running different races in life.

I really like the materials used for the dress.


You have done so well sis, I love the fabric and how you did great with your design.

We are all unique in our own different ways, just know what you are good at and keep doing what you love.


@monica-ene We are unique and universal, but the real challenge is to stay that way, the design looks , you are going to look great and by the colors, you can tell you have a unique personality, Greetings 😊.


The path of each one and the means to get there should be enough for us, I think that standing out just for the sake of standing out makes no sense, being genuine and true to oneself is better
