Joyful. #ShadowHunters SMASh Contest Round 316


The sun is bright and the weather is not so bad this afternoon. I became excited when I viewed my shadow under the bright sunny day, so I remembered I haven't submitted my entry for the #ShadowHunters SMASh Contest currently running. I took a good posture and decided to take my shadow image.

Living with joy is highly recommended. Many people do not have joy anymore. Their joy had gone due to circumstances around them. Many are full of bitterness such that they could not imagine anything good about their fellow human. Joy is a great virtue you should not throw away easily.

If I want to consider all the offenses my wife had caused me, I would not have been able to think straight and remember the Shadow Hunters Contest. If I had listen to all the blunders my children are causing I would have beaten them blue black, possibly wounded them because of bitterness. Then there would not have been a clear atmosphere to engage on the Blockchain. It pays to vent out offenses from our mind regularly.

I hope you do enjoy your day today. Celebrate with those who are celebrating. Rejoice with those who are rejoicing. Forgive those who are offending you. Do not pay back evil with evil. Teach those who are wicked how to do good by being good to them. Thank you for your attention and see you at the #ShadowHunters SMASh Contest Round 316.
