The orange feel 👹🍣🎎 Wonderful Japan


Traveling educates and broadens our horizons. You usually learn something new everywhere you go, and what you see often stays with you for a long time afterwards. Of course, you can also learn and see a lot at home these days. Thanks to the internet and new media, the world practically comes into your own room and opens up in a way that would have been unthinkable in the past. But still, nothing beats personal experiences and first-hand experiences where you can use all your senses.

And these feelings are especially intense when you are far from home, in foreign countries and climes. Even if you think you have already experienced them in pictures and sound, direct contact is much more intense and exciting. At least that's how I feel, and I'm often amazed at all the interesting things I get to see everywhere.

Like some time ago, when at the end of the year we took a trip to the middle of the country. Of course I've been on quite a few trips and excursions in Japan over the years, but I always look forward to going again, even if we usually visit places I've been to many times before.

But even at place I feel familiar with, there is always something to discover and marvel at, and I am only too happy to get involved. It's often the small, almost everyday things that surprise and inspire me.


Like on the trip I just mentioned, when we stopped at a small rest stop in the mountains where I saw some orange fruits hanging in front of a store. And I now know exactly what they are. They are persimmons, which seem to grow everywhere in this area and which hang on the trees until the end of the year and when the first snow has fallen, provide a very special splash of color in the landscape.

There was no snow yet and at least these persimmons here were harvested and hung up to dry for later use. But once again, something clicked for me and I was immediately attracted and fascinated by this sight.


This is exactly what I expected Japan to look like in this area. The turbulent metropolises were far away and time seemed to pass a little slower. Here, persimmons are hung on long strings and left to dry. It takes time, but the people here are not in a hurry, they live with and for the seasons.


I am quite sure that this sight, or a similar one, is repeated every year, because some things just keep happening again and again. And just as I was thrilled about every tree that still had persimmon fruit hanging from it at this late stage of the year, I was simply delighted to see these persimmon chains dangling at this place here.


And even after a few years of living in the Land of the Rising Sun, it's always these little things that quickly and forcefully remind me why I still find this country so attractive. I am usually in no hurry to move on, but would rather linger a little longer and soak up the atmosphere around me. I am then very grateful to have come here and try to store these impressions deep inside me. Fortunately, I also have my photos, which help me to preserve these memories and keep my experiences fresh.


And that way I can still enjoy them later, and this so special cheerful mood helps me to write a few light-hearted lines and to record my thoughts. And I'm already looking forward to what I'm going to experience next time. To be honest, I can't wait at all.....



Wow, what an interesting place and lots of fruit nuances. I was also very entertained by the place
