I have to admit, it is over! πŸ‘ΉπŸ£πŸŽŽ Wonderful Japan


Even I tried it for a long time, but now I finally have to admit it to myself: Summer is over!

It had lasted a long time and especially here in the northwest of the country it was very hot. But now the signs of the time are slowly unmistakable. Even though it is still around 25 degrees during the day, the thermometer has already fallen below the 20 degree mark at night, which for us here at the Sea of Japan is a clear indication that summer has taken its leave. Well, we are now leaving September and are entering October, what means that in other regions people may already be thinking about turning on the heating agai. But in the meantime it almost looked as if this year's summer would last forever.

After August set new records and kept people here in check with a long dry heat spell, many are probably also quite pleased that summer is finally making way for a new season. Autumn doesn't really seem to be here yet either, but in particular the shorter days are a clear indication that something is changing. And since we are now able to spend some days without air conditioning, we know that summer is on its way out.

And that comes despite the fact that just a week ago I had taken out the small pool to set it up again. It seems such a long time ago, but at that moment it seemed as if summer would be back in top form. Well it did, but it couldn't hold this form for too long and especially in the evening it often ran out of breath.

But well, today I realized that we will probably not reach 30 degrees this year again and therefore dismantled the pool and rolled up the sunroof. It was an intense summer and probably too much. But still, I enjoyed it a lot and gave myself in to the heat. Especially in retrospect we tend to glorify everything and that's probably also the case with this summer, which had been a pretty hard time for many people.

Now we can look forward to the autumn, which at least until mid-November should have many pleasant days in the bag. Now it's finally fun again to go outside and exercise without immediately starting to sweat. We already made a lot of plans for the coming weeks, which as usual we won't be able to realize completely. But we will not let that stop us. On the contrary, we will hopefully enjoy everything that is coming before a completely different time takes over in just a few months. But I don't want to talk about that yet. I rather say thanks again to this summer and take a deep bow!

