Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 176 // my weekend from the previous week

Hello friends of WEEKENDEXPERIENCES, I hope you have a wonderful weekend 🥰

My weekend is almost always summarized in washing, cooking and doing household chores, but we always set aside some moments in the afternoon to go for a walk and enjoy something different. The vast majority of the time we visit a very famous shopping center in my city. current,



This shopping center has grown little by little and in it we can find a food fair, various stores and its main store, which is the one I like the most. This store is extremely large, there you can find almost anything and even if you don't have money, I like it. go look



This day they coincidentally were bringing out countless Christmas decorations, I immediately began to delight in each beautiful ornament I saw and dream of buying them all 😊, one of the most adorable ones I saw was some pet clothes, when I saw them I imagined my cats 🐈🐈 ⬛ with these outfits 🥰.

Personally, one of the times that I love most of the year is Christmas. Many think and hate these dates since it represents a lot of expense, but for me it is wonderful whether I enjoy seeing the decorations in the stores or on the streets🎄






This made our walk very pleasant, the Christmas decorations are irresistible to me, and I confess I didn't carry almost any money but with the little I had I was able to buy some golden curtains for only $1 each box and just when I was about to pay I left. Mesmerized with some cute Christmas stockings for the price of $1, I started checking my accounts and trying to get an additional $2. My son gave me $1 and I was able to take two pairs of stockings.





I share my weekend walks very little since almost all of them are the same, but this past Sunday in particular I loved it since I was able to enjoy the beginning of Christmas in the stores🎅 and we also enjoyed some entertainment for children that was in another from the stores in which they were giving a show to the children, my children are already grown but whenever we see this type of show we stay for a while to enjoy it



We also visit the other stores and look at clothing prices so that soon we can buy some clothes to wear in the month of December, for now the prices are a little affordable but as soon as November falls they start to raise prices, I hope I can buy something of money to advance something, for now I'm still delirious with Christmas decorations 🎄🥰

The weekend is wonderful because we always manage to do something different, even if it's staying at home all day watching movies 🍿, I hope you also enjoy your weekend a lot 🥰

the photos shared here are my property taken with my iPhone 11 phone
