The Bubble — My Monomad Challenge Entry

Greetings, Fellow Bubblespotters!

This is my shot at today's...


You can read the latest #monomad challenge announcement Here

It's Black and White Photography time. It always is. There are so many images, so many topics that go well in monochrome. An art within the art itself.

I am going with a soft, moody image this time. A combination of artifacts, youth, and architecture.

The Bubble s.jpg

Camera Settings:

Aperture F 4;
Shutter Speed 1/2000 of a second;
Light Sensitivity ISO 200;
Focal Length 200 mm.

Nothing to like about the long term effects of bubbles, even soap ones. Don't drink those.

Youth might not care about the bubbles built around them. Youth might want to build its own bubbles about their personal space. But the bubbles, cared about or not, they shall come to affect us all, nonetheless.

It has nothing to do with the reason I took this shot. The reason was purely graphic. But the meaning I find in it now is tied to the invisible threat. Can you see it sneaking upon the children?

You might think you live a debtless life but our national debt, for instance, divided by the population numbers means each person, be it a newborn child or an elder soon to leave this world, carries more than 6 000 Euro of debt.

That they didn't sign for. More than 1 500 of those came during the last year or the last couple of years alone.

Those kids go to the school system that requires of them to strife and become good workers. Meanwhile, good workers now are standing on the poverty line and only able to continue with their normal lifestyles by taking on more debt.

Trained to be slaves.

In a bubble.




Thank you @manoldonchev, appreciating much and the picture and the text reminded us of a lecture at a conference by Jordan Maxwell explaining how we are owned since birth by banks and institutions


There's something there that's hard to argue against.
