Recordando los últimos días del año


English version at the end of the post 👇

Hola amigos de Hive,

En muchos días no pude interactuar con ustedes, pues estaba de viaje en la provincia de Pinar del Rio y regresé el día 3 de Enero. Muchos de los amigos no supieron de mí en esos días, no saben cuánto sentí no poder interactuar con ustedes y poder desearles un feliz fin de año. En Pilotos las conexiones a internet son malas y aunque intentaba no tenía resultados. Agradezco los mensajes recibidos de todos ustedes deseándome un feliz fin de año. Hoy felicito a todos por el nuevo año y les deseo de todo corazón mucha salud y sobre todas las cosas muchos éxitos en su vida personal. Nos espera un año de muchos retos y de mucho trabajo, pero juntos lo lograremos.


El fin de año fue bueno a pesar de que no teníamos a nuestras hijas con nosotros, pero tanto mi esposo como yo nos sentimos felices pues sabíamos que ellas también lo estaban, con la familia de mi esposo siempre lo pasamos muy bien. El campo es un lugar ideal para organizar fiestas, la naturaleza proporciona un ambiente ideal, y desde que llegamos pudimos admirar las orquídeas florecidas, había llovido días antes y todo estaba verde y freso. Un frente frío nos sorprendió y aunque en Cuba el invierno es suave siempre se siente.

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Las Orquídeas en Cuba florecen en invierno fundamentalmente, aunque hay otras épocas del año que también lo hacen.


El ultimo ciclón que azotó a la provincia maltrató mucho los árboles frutales, pero ya vienen recuperándose. Pude tomar foto de cómo van ya saliendo los cafetos las guayabas y los platanales.

Cultivo de tabaco / Tobacco plantation

El cultivo de tabaco que comenzó en octubre como cada año en estos días empieza a lucir sus mejores galas. Se ven tierras cultivadas de maíz, boniato y frijoles, la tierra Pinareña es pródiga.

Preparando la tierra / Preparing the soil

Me levantaba muy temprano en la mañana y disfrutaba el sol de la mañana, pues las noches fueron bastante frías. También hacia un poco de ejercicios y luego una sesión de fotos para poder traerles en fotos las cosas bonitas del lugar. El sol daba en mi espalda y proyectaba mi sombra en la hierba mojada del rocío de la mañana. Me gusta ese olor que despide la tierra y la hierba en las primeras horas de la mañana.

En mis caminatas diarias por el campo me acompañaba la hija de un sobrino de mi esposo estaba muy apegada a mí, pero como dice mi madre, tengo azúcar para los niños, y procuraba llevarla a pasear todos los días por el campo, y también visitamos algunos amigos juntas.

En realidad, pensé que al no estar mis hijas y mi nieto la nostalgia mermaría la alegría, pero la familia de mi esposo trató de que nos sintiéramos bien y disfrutáramos esos días. Ellos nunca quieren que el tiempo pase y llegue el día de irnos; a decir verdad, nosotros tampoco, sin embargo, extraño mucho mi casa y creo que a todos nos pasa cuando estamos ausentes algunos días.


Al llegar la hora de la partida, el carro tenía un neumático ponchado que hizo que nos retrasáramos. La temperatura seguía muy agradable e hicimos un buen viaje de regreso a casa, como siempre, conversando y apreciando el paisaje de la provincia de Pinar del Rio y acercándonos a la nuestra, Artemisa.

Quiero reiterar mis más sinceros deseos de que tengamos todos un feliz 2024, queridos amigos de Hive.

English Version

Hello friends of Hive,

In many days I could not interact with you, because I was traveling in the province of Pinar del Rio and I returned on January 3. Many of my friends did not hear from me during those days, you do not know how sorry I was not able to interact with you and wish you a happy new year's eve. In Pilotos the internet connections are bad and even though I tried I had no results. I appreciate the messages received from all of you wishing me a happy end of the year. Today I congratulate you all for the new year and I wish you from the bottom of my heart a lot of health and above all success in your personal life. A year of many challenges and hard work awaits us, but together we will succeed.

The end of the year was good even though we did not have our daughters with us, but both my husband and I felt happy because we knew that they were happy too, with my husband's family we always have a great time. The countryside is an ideal place to organize parties, nature provides an ideal environment, and since we arrived we could admire the orchids in bloom, it had rained days before and everything was green and fresh. A cold weather surprised us and although in Cuba the winter is mild, it is always felt.

Orchids in Cuba bloom mainly in winter, although there are other times of the year when they also bloom.

The last cyclone that hit the province hit the fruit trees hard, but they are already recovering. I was able to take a picture of the coffee trees, guavas and banana trees.

Tobacco plantations, which began in October as they do every year, are starting to show off their best clothes these days. You can see lands cultivated with corn, sweet potatoes and beans, the land of Pinar del Rio is generous.

I got up very early in the morning and enjoyed the morning sun, because the nights were quite cold. I also did a little exercise and then a photo session to bring you pictures of the beautiful things of the place. The sun was on my back and I cast my shadow on the wet grass from the morning dew. I like the smell of the earth and grass in the early morning hours.

On my daily walks in the countryside I was accompanied by the daughter of my husband's nephew, she was very close to me, but as my mother says, I have sugar for children, and I tried to take her for a walk every day in the countryside, and we also visited some friends together.

Actually, I thought that with my daughters and grandson gone the nostalgia would spoil the joy, but my husband's family tried to make us feel good and enjoy those days. They never want time to pass and the day to leave; to tell the truth, neither do we, however, I miss my house very much and I think that happens to all of us when we are absent for a few days.

When it was time to leave, the car had a flat tire that caused us to be late. The temperature was still very pleasant and we had a good trip back home, as always, talking and appreciating the scenery of the province of Pinar del Rio and getting closer to our own, Artemisa.

I would like to reiterate my most sincere wishes for a happy 2024, dear friends of Hive.

All images are my property, taken with my smartphone,
and I used DeepL to translate because Spanish is my native language.


Mamani mía, este año será mejor, verás. Un abrazo y ven a tomar helado de chocolate que tengo una tina esperándote.


Hija ahora no puedo ir pero guárdame helado.😩🍦


Que hermosas son las orquideas, todas las flores son un milagro de la naturaleza y cada una es mas bonita que la otra 😍

Te deseo un feliz año y mucha prosperidad y exitos, y mas aventuras que la vida es una sola jiji Saludos.


Muchas gracias saludos a Buhito y para ti. Mis respetos para tu mami. Disfrutemos.


What you say is very true, the people we love may not be around but we know they are well and that is the most important thing.

On the other hand, the photographs are beautiful, I love to see the sown fields and the flowers. A beauty under the sun.

Thank you @mamani ❤️


Amiga I miss my daughter and grandson very much but I know they are well and that is the important thing. nanixxx gives me a lot of support everything is passing. I appreciate your words of encouragement. My best regards.🥰😍


I know, Nani is there and helps you a lot. Having a daughter far away is hard, very hard, but sometimes life is like that. A big hug!


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Mamani, the photos you took are very pretty, the colours and the scenes we see are just as beautiful and positive. The post is so nicely presented, well done for all you learned, and I am sure the new year will bring you a lot of growth and success for you. I am glad you had a nice time in Pilotos, and I hope that you can see your daughters soon.


I thank you @mipiano your words are very nice to me, how did you spend these days of end and beginning of the year. How is your family. We had a great time, which we didn't think it would be like this. Although I work a lot. But with joy. Now I have to keep on working hard so that the teacher doesn't scold me. Happy weekend. 🥰❤️


The country side has beautiful area. And the tobacco field is something special to see because I never see it before in my area.

Thank you so much for sharing 😊


I thought it would be interesting to show you a tobacco field. The best tobacco in the world comes from Cuba. And precisely in Pinar del Rio where I spent the end of the year is where there are the best lands for its cultivation.
Thank you very much for dedicating your time to me. My regards.😘


Wao genial publicación, fantásticas esas orquídeas, bellísima fotos, feliz Año Nuevo y te deseo un próspero año, abrazos 🫂


Hello, thank you very much. How nice you liked my orchids, they are really beautiful. Best regards and happy new year to you too.😘
