True Friendship Is Harder To Find Than Love?

What a strange thing friendship is... A special thing. Something like love. For friendship to be born, chemistry must also happen. The chemistry of souls, so to speak.

Now I think that my closest friends are from my childhood and teenage years. They are not my sisters, but the feeling is similar to sisterhood. When you meet after a long time, after not seeing each other, it seems like you never broke up. The warmth of those friends, their love and help sometimes brings tears to my eyes.

So what really connects us? The fact that we remember their young parents, and they remember mine? Or when a friend starts to tell you about her adventure, and I already know what she will tell you? Connects her dead brother's skates, once tight on our feet, two sizes too big, but perfect for figure skating on the ice of the childhood pond? The crazy childish laughter, hide and seek in the closet, glorious birthday celebrations, swings to the clouds? The first dances, first loves?

Talks of sleepless nights and even nicer silence? The first sip of wine, the first hangover? Laughter until tears? That beginning of the flight - so intoxicating, euphoric, but also not easy, and so frightening? Dreams? Kilometers of letters written once? I don't know, maybe it's called the pathetic word "values" - but the truest truth often seems both banal and too pathetic. But it just seems.

I had friends and later. Some were so important to me that if I had survived without them, it would have been much more difficult. These were also people whom, upon meeting, it seemed as if we had hatched "from one cosmic egg". Maybe it really was?... We liked the same books, the same music, the same movies, we felt the world identically. As if we came from some distant homes that are not at all on Earth, spent many years together and only now for some reason were assigned to live in different families. Such friendship is like a tattoo. You can't even burn out it with a laser. Because you yourself seem similar to trees, some of the branches of your crowns are grown together, inseparably intertwined, maybe even the trunks are fused. If you scratch out them - a wound will remain.

Of course, there are not many such people. There cannot be many of them. But if there are any - you really need to thank God and fate for them.

And then there was also the so-called "situational friendship". Friends with whom you went to cafés and restaurants, you studied or worked together, so you communicated. Or you met on some trip... But it was not at all what those early friendships were. Because situations get us together, then they separate. Such friends only know part of the truth about you, they may care about the adventures you have together, but it doesn't matter at all what your favorite books are, what your biggest fear is, what the strongest pain you've experienced or the worst fight. They don't care about you as much as they care about themselves. And they stay around as long as it's convenient to be around.

There were a lot of such people - both men and women - in my life, once found somewhere, then lost as if by chance, falling off like old paint from a picture. Because it wasn't friendship at all. They were only passengers - their faces moved and passed in the tape of my life. Maybe memories and gratitude remain, or maybe hurt and disappointment. It doesn't matter anymore...

Because no person can have many friends - there are only a few of them, the real ones. And such people need to be carefully valued, like those shells that grow pearls in themselves, and hold close to your heart. Because without them, joy is sadder, pain is sharper, despair is blacker. They are the ones who might be waiting for you in the Beyond - or you will be waiting for them. And you will laugh together again. Because you always laughed when you were friends, although sometimes - through tears.


With love, @madeirane
Photos are taken by me.
© 2024
