My Actifit & Clean Planet Journal: Sep 20 2023


Heya Hiva,

Ready or not.. here I come!

The South Peninsula, Cape Town was blessed today with the most warm gentle sunshine.. paired exquisitely with the soft coastal air. How perfect the weather was, to embark on another 'Clean Planet' adventure - whilst getting fit in the process.

Just outside, this flyer was found caught in some foliage - right behind a vertical plastered column. It's certainly not the first time I've found something around this bend. I think litter blows in, and then being a less windy spot.. it simply finds a resting place.

My mission to clean up the local wetlands area is far from over. As I focused predominantly on a nearby park yesterday, I wanted to get back to the environmentally sensitive area I so love. Along the way, I found another plastic container sitting in the road - a 'pasta salad' tub to be precise.


I spotted something else from a distance, so thought I'd use the opportunity to have some fun with y'all. Can you see what doesn't belong in the picture?

Taking this 'eco-citizen' role very seriously, I mounted the curb (whilst simultaneously hoping to not acquire any ticks!). Aha.. it was a large empty bag of potato chips.

This was a weird find.. a shower cap. That's wild! That being said, it definately doesn't belong in the wild either.

Near the wetlands, I thought I'd take a left turn this time (as opposed to leaning to the right). As I rounded the corner, I got such a fright. The electric fence was making some sort of loud 'zapping' sound, quite similar to what I picture a locust would make. I love locusts, but I'm also not a fan of them landing on me haha.

Overall this part looked pretty much ok, but at some point I'd probably want to take a much closer look. There's more than one reason why I didn't want to venture off the path here. Both stories for another time!

I turned around to go back and spotted a little lid along the way. Picked it up and headed towards the water.

I thought I had found a large plastic something.. the colouring reminded me of a type of carrier one sometimes may come across. Anyway.. it wasn't that, but rather a cool rock instead. I'm thinking it's quartz. The rock can stay! A treasure of sorts.

Breathing in this familiar view brings peace to my soul. It's not just the landscape, but also the sight of my awesome bird friends. I think they were happy to see me.

On my way to the Egyptian Geese, I picked up a fruit peel. Yes, it may be biodegradable; but it also makes the landscape appear like a dumping ground. That's what I'm fighting, so I was sure to pick it up.

Check this out my friends! I got so close to them today. It wasn't intentional truth be told. I usually keep a fair distance, so as to not disturb them. As I was taking a wide berth, they followed me. I'm not sure if they were associating me with food, or just being friendly. Maybe I'll have a chance to do that sometime - take them a treat?

I'm genuinely trying to cover lots of ground, so pushed on. Found a brown bag with some dog poop resting on it. I left the poop and collected the bag. That's another story in these parts.

Managed to successfully extract a partially buried plastic bread bag.

No idea what this was. It was a plastic disc of sorts (cracked), and then had a different material on the other side. I'm stumped on this one.

This is one of the weirdest pieces of broken glass I've ever found. It's all warped. How is that possible. I don't know what temperature glass warps at. Was it from an ornament? Maybe. Or could it have warped out here? Is so, then how?.. a mountain fire perhaps? So many questions.

This is more like the typical broken glass I usually find. This is so dangerous to just be out here.

A single large black sock! Why not?! I mean.. I've found so many other weird things thus far, that this isn't a stretch of the imagination. Glad I was wearing a glove to handle it.

Is it a paper? Is it a tissue? Either way, it's rubbish!

This newspaper had to go as well.

I got quite far today, so thought I'd take a photo from more or less where I turned around.

Here's the view of the wetlands from a alternative vantage point. If you look carefully, you'll see the bench which I spotted a few days back.

Another wonderful day trying to improve the planet. There's no bins around where I walked (or I haven't found them yet). There is one by the park, but I preferred to bring it back to the municipal wheelie bin where I stay. That way, after I photographed the haul, I could empty the bag into another - thus being able to re-use the carrier again. It just makes more sense to me, from an environmental point of view. I was able to complete my steps today, and am feeling a little more fit overall.

Seeking peace,


Special thanks to @actifit and my 'eco-citizen' friends over at @cleanplanet , @cleanyourcity & @solarisfuture - stoked to be part of the solution, whilst getting fit in the process.

My writing in 'My Actifit & Clean Planet Journal' is original, with inspiration drawn from my surroundings - all whilst placing one foot in front of the other. For stylistic reasons, the greeting, farewell & footer may be repeated across posts - with the actual main body of content remaining 100% unique. Any accompanying photos were taken by me. Others' logos used as permitted. Nothing should be construed as any form of advice. Practice due diligence. All Rights Reserved.
This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Walking
193 cm
79 kg
Body Fat
18.6 %
92 cm
54 cm
98 cm


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