RE: The well deserved Break

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Oh my world, everything you just said resonate with me. You know when you ignore that tiny voice telling you to take it easy, go slow and steady, and continue claiming to be in control of things without heeding it, the body system will force you to pause without warning.

Just like you, I had to go for leave, although not in the city but in a village away from noise so I can enjoy the beauty of nature while recovering.

It's good that you are having all the rest you can get now so the body well recharged and fit for when work starts. Thanks to your friend who decided to drag you out to visit some places, and have fun too.
Keep enjoying your well deserved rest and don't forget to send my own gift oo, 😂


We all need to rest once in a while, we aren't superhumans after all. I am glad my friend was able to drag me out.

Dearest Luchyl I hope you’re having fun?

Do not fret as your gift is on the way my !Lady🥰
