Panorama of Gurute Location, Distant Ocean Nature

Black and white photography friends, this time I had the opportunity to take several sessions from the grute mountains where I saw the natural beauty of the sea from a distance which you can see today.

In a short trip in my opinion, but this is the first time I see this beauty, usually I see from some of the posts of friends in Aceh Besar.

And I wanted to come back here in hopes of taking some more pictures and some of the natural beauty that I can bring out in Black and White photography today.





On this trip I don't have any impressions or messages that I can share here, but I have the desire to come back and be able to share some stories from that time.

This is my first visit in walking with friends and this is in my context in work not in play and can't take some opportunities that maybe I can share at this time.

Like fish at other times I can share the natural beauty in Aceh Besar that you can enjoy and see with these beauties.





Thank you for taking the time to see my black and white photography in this post and I hope you can like and always visit my posts this time.

Still using simple tools, I took the Oppo A12 smartphone with a digital camera, not the default application, and this is the result of my own computer.

Best Regatds
By @lingkar-photo
